OK, folks, I desperately need your help here because I think I'm losing my marbles. In short: I need to find written documentation somewhere that indicates that the navigation voice is supposed to come out of the speaker on the top of the navigation console. Either that, or I need help finding my lost marbles. Here's what happened. Well, first of all, hello to everyone. I haven't posted here in quite some time. I'm at 88,000 miles in my 2005 Pkg 6 Prius, and all is well. Not a single trouble to report, until now. Here's the issue: I recently brought the car to the dealer for oil service, and they found a couple other things - replaced the coolant pump, replaced an axle seal, did the gas pedal mod, replaced the drive belt. The next time I used the navigation system, I immediately noticed that Martina's voice (that's her name, Martina NAVsystem) no longer came out of the speaker on top of the dashboard. Now her voice only comes out the driver's side door speaker and sounds very muffled. I took the car back to the dealer today. After looking at it, they told me that the Navigation system voice is supposed to only come out of the door, it does not come out of the dash. They tried it in two other 2005s and even had the master technician look at it. So I need your help in letting me know whether the dealer is mistaken, or whether I've somehow found myself in an alternate universe. But I am certain that the Navigation system suddenly is much less audible than it used to be, and I think it's because the dashboard speaker is no longer working. I googled and searched through the forums and can't find anything on this. I'm hoping that somebody can point me towards some citation somewhere that explains which speakers are active with the Nav system so I can show it to the dealer. Many thanks!
It comes out of the driver's door speaker. Maybe they just turned the volume down? You can adjust it in the menu screen.
No, I'm aware of the volume adjustment - I always leave it on 2. But I couldda sworn the sound came out both the driver door speaker and the center speaker on the dashboard. Apparently I'm mistaken? How could I have mis-remembered such a thing?