I have read some discussions about pulse and glide (p&g) and have used this technique with some success, although I am uncertain about the ideal speed range used to maximize p&g efficiency. What is the most efficient top and bottom speeds used in p&g cycles with a warm ICE on a flat highway before repeating the process? A. Pulse up to _____ MPH and B. Glide down to _____ MPH? C. Repeat p&G cycle. Thank you
So far, I have found that the faster your average speed is, the less pulse and glide helps. I do not bother if my average speed is over 50 MPH since it does not seem to help the MPG in my case. I do drive one surface street for about 25 miles each way often. The speed limit ranged from 35 to 50. On the 50 MPH section, I will typically speed up to 50, then glide at 25% down to 40, then speed back up again. On the 35 MPH section, I will glide from 35 down to 28 or so. This is a flat road with only a 200 foot elevation difference over 25 miles. No hills at all. I can consistently get 70 MPG on that route. Since I began using the pulse and glide technique two months ago, I am averaging 63 MPG. Prior to that, I had a lifetime average of 53.2 MPG as per my ScanGauge.