Hey guys, I was just wondering where do you guys put your loose change since the prius doesn't have one of those coin stashes/cigarette bud place in the vehicle. I put it that compartment below the screen. Any better suggestions?
I put coins in the tray in the center console but then I don't usually have a whole lot of them. Anyway, here's a thread you might find helpful: http://priuschat.com/index.php?showtopic=10760&hl=coins
I put it in my pocket. Since I have a fastpass (electronic toll pass), I don't need change in the car anymore.
I put them in the tray... I don't go on the highway enough of the time to warrant the fastpass thingy.
I don't use tollways, but I use change several times a day at fast-food restaurants. Since I wear jeans, pants is out. I've been thinking about this for awhile, and I just cut an 18 oz Solo cup about 1/3 of the way down and put it in the rearmost front cupholder. The change is now hidden and secure, and if I ever need that cupholder, I can easily pull the change out... I'll have to give it a couple of days to be sure I like it, but there aren't a lot of great options, and I've read the related threads. Heck, I started one.
The most effective way for me was to use an altoids gum tin. The tin is narrower than the altoids mint tin and can hold quite a bit of change. I put the change in there and then put the tin in compartment under the screen, or in the center console.
Picked up a change purse at the Grand Bazaar in Istanbul for a Turkish Lira - less than a buck Change purses are more common in Europe, but you should be able to find something locally. Cheers, Jeff
Funny. I just came back inside to check on whether there were any posts on this subject (picked up my Prius yesterday). I was considering a ziplock of coin in the storage drawer after quickly rejecting the notion of using the dash storage.... I abhor rattles.
Word to the wise: Do not use the (sun)glasses holder near the front dome light. That's what I did in my Prius' predecessor, but in the Prius, the moment you hit a bump or go down a steep hill, they fall out of the 'scoop'. Not good. I tend to keep most change in the top tray in the center console, and move what I am going to need from there to the little slot on the door handle while I pull up to the toll booth or fast-food window or whatever.
You can buy a coin holder at Target that fits into a cupholder - looked like it would work nicely. (We don't have a need for change in MN)
You can buy a coin holder at Target that fits into a cupholder - looked like it would work nicely. (We don't have a need for change in MN)
Trying Ghoti's recommendation of using the tray. Seems to work fine... no rattles. My Dunkin Donuts test run confirmed that it is easy access... just pick the tray up to get your change more easily. Had considered that little shelf in the front of the armrest but figured it would not hold much and would rattle around too much (btw -- is there any practical use for that slot other than to raise the armrest by putting the tray in there as suggested in other threads?).
:mellow: I read a post a few months ago - a Prius driver had put change in one of the center cup holders, a coin had slipped down into the cup holder along its edge and jammed it open. He had to disassemble the cupholder to remove the coin. There are any good suggestions in this thread, but it seems unwise to just put loose coins in a cup holder.
i've been reading these with interest, because i store change, and i'd like to know where i will be putting it come spring. i've been reading these posts, and it occurs to me that you all have radically difrerent needs for change storage. I would need several dozen 35mm film canisters or altoids gum tins to store the change in my car right now. those cigarette ash tray things wouldn't even begin to store all my change. i'm one of those people who gets to take a mini-vacation when my husbandand i bring in all our spare change. is there any easy access place for people like me?
I think you may be referring to the thread that tag posted in post 2 of this thread. This of course only applies to the frontmost cupholder. In my post above I said to use the rearmost front cupholder, which will not leak coins. Also, I put a cup in there anyway, so I can remove the coins in a hurry if I need to... So far I'm liking it. geologyrox, if you don't need to store more coins than the second cupholder, try my method of cutting an 18 oz cup down about a third of the way and putting it in there. Very easy, very quick access to a large number of hidden coins...
Do Not put change in the front fold down cup holder. I had a penny jam it up then disappear to who knows where? I still worry it could short out something. I would guess a dime would disappear even quicker. I did not like the penny jamming the cup holder so I could not close it.
hdrygas, you may have missed hobbit's original reply to your lost coin: "y'all may not realize that the entire front plastic part of the center console simply snaps off, bringing the cupholders with it. That makes it easy to recover coins or whatever else fell down in there, wipe out the congealed coke, etc etc." So, you should be able to recover that little guy... But you're right, don't use the frontmost cupholder for coins.