Today I took my new 2005 black Prius to the car wash for the first time. Fearful that my baby would be damaged I bugged the guy before leaving the car. Do I have to remove the antenna? Do you know how to start it and use the gearshift? I was waved away and I went to pay. Afte paying I watched the car come through the final door. The carwash girl (inside the car) was staring at the dash looking very confused. Suddenly my little Prius stopped but the huge truck on the belt behind it kept coming. I told the girl at the cash register, then told her again and then shrieked. MY CAR IS GOING TO BE HIT!!! THAT got her attention and they finally sounded the alarm and everything stopped. :angry: Instead of saying to me, "gee we're sorry we just about trashed your car that you've had ONLY two weeks..." He yelled, "we're not taking these cars anymore! they're nuisances" and other insulting remarks. Having quite enough, I began to yell right back at him. I never did get an apology and had to drive it off the belt as they never could figure out how to make it go. I'm taking my Prius to therapy next week. I'm certain it's self-esteem will never be the same.
Bill & Rho suggest you use an automatic hi-pressure wash where you can stay in the vehicle, stop when directed, press Park and the system moves around your car. I've used one exclusively dozens of times, left the antenna up with a little flag on it and no problem.
Thank you for the warning. Glad your Prius didn't get run over. I have made a pledge to myself that I will never entrust my Prius to a car wash attendant.
None of the car washes around here make you get out. I do not wish to be crude but I don't think that the jobs at car washes are the top tier of employment possibilities, as such they may not attract the "best of the best".
exactly why i wash my black beauty by hand weekly. that is, when water restrictions aren't in place...
well technically, its illegal to wash your car in your own driveway here however it is one of the most ignored and unenforced laws we ha...OH WAIT!! forgot about the speed laws...well 2nd most ignored law there is around here
Just wondering - did you hand them the valet card that comes with the car? Anytime there's a question as to whether or not someone can drive it, always give that to them. In addition, whenever possible, don't let someone else drive it. In cases like that, I see no reason why you couldn't insist they let you go through in it. Even if it's just in the passenger seat. And, always remember. No valet, car was person or anyone else that may drive your car will likely state they don't know how. Their job is driving all sorts of cars, so they'll just assume, sure, why can't I drive this.
I didn't receive valet cards with my Prius, but I've printed them out from postings here, and have received positive (i.e., thanks!) comments from about 1/2 the guys at restaurants the few of times I've used them. I have not attempted to have car wash on the car... The neutral thing is a little intimidating, and I handwash.
Your story brings back the bad memories when I took my baby to get washed. The car wash was exactly the same set up as what you described but instead of the attendant not knowing how to shift the car the attendent at this wash didn't know how to stop it. The car almost rolled into the traffic in the street. The next time I brought my car to get washed (at a different facility) the experience was much better and I just left a note that said, "To put the car in Park, please press the "P" button below." There was also a big diagonal arrow pointing to the "P" button. I stuck the note in the corner of my display. Call me overprotective and paranoid but they did a good job on my car and there were no headaches this time around.
Yeah, why couldn't they have put a traditional break pedal in the Prius, just like every car. That would have made it much easier for them to stop it. Oh.. wait.. They did put on in, didn't they? :lol:
Is there some sort of law in the US that mandates that a carwash attendant drive your car through the wash?? Every single automatic car wash I've seen in Canada is a drive-it-yourself arrangement.. You drive it in and out yourself.. In some cases, there's a guy with a high pressure spray wand at one end who blasts high pressure soap to dislodge any mud and stuff, but I've never seen or heard of any place where you're obligated to let an attendant drive your car..
There is no federal law mandating that - there are plenty of drive thru car washes here in MA that allow you to drive it through. In fact, I don't think I've ever seen one in MA that the attendant DOES drive it through. I suspect it may be a law in other states. Other laws I've noticed vary by state - Gas stations. In MA, self serve pumps have the latch to keep the pump running removed. They are available for full serve pumps though. And in some other states, you aren't allowed to pump it yourself.
I laminated several of the valet cards and hand them the second fob with the card attached. I disable the SKS. Makes it a bit easier for them if they have to put a "key" in the slot. I then remind them that they must have their foot on the brake to turn the car off or on.
There is a car wash bay at the condo where I live, but sometimes if I'm not in the mood I'll just drive it through the fully automatic Co-Op or Canadian Tire car wash. They appear to do a fine job. Personally, I'd never turn any vehicle over to a car wash person. I'm sure some are nice and well-intentioned, but the rest ...
Hi Bill and Rho! I’ll make sure that I never use the 610 Car Wash. I live down in Spotsy anyway so there’s little chance of that. BTW, I don’t know if 610 is touch-free, but black SURE does show “swirlsâ€. My wife ran our black Accord thru one once nine years ago and I’m almost ready to forget about it! I usually hand wash mine or go thru the Crown gas station carwash on route 3 (except that it leaves lots-o-spots!). I recently bought the Mr. Clean car wash thing that leaves no spots… and it works great on my black Prius. I work up in Springfield, so… see ya on the highway!