Hi ya'll I just purchased a used '07 prius. I won't get it until tuesday, but I've been reading the forums here and have found some very useful info in the maintenance and care section. I also found a post from '08 describing a easy/cheap footwell lighting solution that I want to try out but I'm probably even less of a technician/electrician than most. The original suggestion was by "chrisspaulding" and called for led strips, a 9volt battery, a battery harness or box, and a toggle switch. Pretty simple. So I'm looking at superbrightleds .com and under the accent lighting section it talks a lot about 12v sources. Sure in most cases you'd be taping into the 12v source of the vehicle right? (I don't really know) Most of them are specced Operating Voltage Range (Unit: VDC) 9~15. So, would the 9v battery solution work for these? Also, even though I don't have my car yet, I'm really excited about it and found some cheap mods on trdsparks .com (Sparks toyota scion out of south carolina I believe). I ordered a set of 4 mud flaps, a rear bumper protector and a cargo net for about $65 before shipping. I thought it was a good deal anyway and thought I'd share.
What I did was get a strip of LED's with the adhesive backing. Don't ask me where, I got them from Hong Kong. Taped them to the underside plastics on the inside edge, so it's not showing, of the foot well area plastics. I wired them to the ciggy outlet. You just have to remove the ciggy outlet, and there is an area where you can slide in the wires. Seems like they were made for this purpose. Total cost... 5 USD??? Now every time I enter the car, it lights up.
Yeah, it seems there are many ways to do it. I may go with the interior LEDs first, it may be all I need really. I enjoyed macmaster05's interior LED setup. It's pretty slick. But really, for only a couple bucks how could I not set up footwell lighting too.
I may have a few strips left. If I find them, I can send them to you for free if you want. Just pay for shipping. Should be a buck or 2. I'm in the process of moving, so Somewhere in the next few months.
Thanks Rusty! I enjoy my lights too. But to be honest, I didnt do anything special. I just used red LEDs. The swap takes less than 2 minutes for the whole interior. I guess you could call coordinating the map lights to be white/red/white "slick" but certainly no geniusness there either. As for footwell lighting, the OP can probably find better discussions about it in the Gen III mods forum. It's a popular one over there. But sorry I can't offer any advice. I don't know anything about footwell lighting. I am a fool.
I ordered the LEDs today, just swapping the doors, center map light and rear dome to red for now. Later I may do the license plate lights and white map lights. Also purchased some real cheap small accent lighting for under dash and under the rear of the front seats. Didn't want it to be super bright so I just got a single LED for each to create a subtle glow. It's totally non-functional, but fun. If I get the LEDs in by this weekend I'll be able to hook it all up and have pics for you guys by Monday, but that's probably a stretch. Not that I'm really doing anything amazingly new here.
Well guys here it is! Door light LED (red), passenger door has matching red LED Center Map Light LED and Rear Dome Light LED And my favorite concoction, footwell lighting Front and Back I wired the footwell lighting completely separate from the car all by myself! A little 12V battery and hooked all the lights up in parellel with a switch. I still have to get the switch into one of the rocker switch blank spots available on the dash to the left of the steering wheel and find a good way to make a connection to the wires other than taping them to the little battery. But right now it all works! Those are just a few cosmetic things that need fixed. Best part is all the wires fit pretty snuggly under the side interior molding and the other wires were able to slip under the center console to the passenger side, so the wiring is mostly hidden.
Now THAT is cool, my favorite part also! The red footwells look like portals to hell. Pure evil. Badass. Now I want to do it too, but I'm way less electrically inclined than you.
Hah Thanks! LOL are you kidding me! The last time I made a circuit prior to this was pre-high school if not pre-middle school. I had to look up what color is positive what color is negative, had to research how to hook up a switch and what a parallel circuit is and what a in series circuit is. THEN I made a very tiny mock circuit to test my design to even see if I had it figured out at that point. The test circuit is where I learned the most. Techniques that worked for me for stripping the ends off wires without wire strippers and for connecting all the wires together ect. The whole thing was a learning experience. Actually I have some time tomorrow, I'll try to do a full write up on how to do it and where to place them for the complete noob as I was. As a matter of fact I still have to figure some stuff out. Like where I want to place the battery, and a better way of connecting the wires to the battery, and how to get the switch in the empty switch location I want it. (if anyone can help me out with these things, that would be awesome)
Speaking of interior LEDs, I just bought a kit from JDM that replaced every bulb except the two above the sun visors in front. Anyone know what type of bulbs those are so I can replace those with LEDs as well?
3022 festoon bulb for the vanity lights/mirrors, but try to find the smallest ones possible. The standard bulb is 29mm but most LED festoons are 31mm, which means you'll have to bend the clip back a lot to get it to fit.
Yeah, I already had to tweak the fixture in the trunk area to accept one of the larger LEDs. Unfortunately, the LED had a flat face that rotated when you hit the toggle so I had to add a small piece of plastic to the C-shaped backing to keep it from turning. Worked out well, though. Thanks for the info, by the way. Ordering now... Anyway, didn't mean to hijack the thread. Those red LEDs look great, especially the footwell strips.
I'm sorry, I don't know what size the vanity light bulbs are. Also, believe it or not the footwell lights are a single LED each. Not a strip. Cool huh? I didn't want them to be too strong. They may still be too strong as it is, but being red helps keep it down some too.
Are there instructions around for how to get footwell lighting connected to the normal dome lights when you open the door?