Hello I just purchased a Toyota certified used 2005 Prius. ( 19,000 miles on it). Basic car- no navigation system. Anyway, I have been a devoted VW owner for 20+ years but have a long mountaineous commute so made the switch for economy and to feel better about my environmental impact- which this car fullfills for me. (Although it is a very homely car- in a cute way.) I am going through fully loaded Passat withdrawels I think- I was wondering if there was any good advice or tips any of you could give me as I adjust to the change? I also have an ipod- any advice there? Thanks! Debbie
Debbie, There's so much good stuff for new Prius owners and experienced owners as well on this site...I'd suggest reading the "Fuel Economy" and "Care, Maintenance, and Troubleshooting" forums, as well as this one. Just reading what's there now should really help orient you. You can also search the forums, maybe "newbie" might be a good search string to try? Anyways, enjoy your new car...after owning Honda's for many years, I'm really enjoying the Prius. -Roger
One other key to Prius ownership is to take any negative comment personally and defend both the car and the brand as if it were your only child. You get in the swing of that, you'll feel right at home here, as well as develop a deep loyalty to all things Prius. You'll be too busy to miss your VW.
As far as you iPod search the audio and electronic forum here. You could start with this thread; http://priuschat.com/2nd-group-buy-for-AIC-100i-t11589.html
Wow - thanks! I have figured out how to turn off that annoying reverse beeping- Will try it with Hubby who is gonna love this! ( In fact many of these beeps bother my hearing aide!- so I have hope! I have a long list of beeps I want muted- The dark cave of night driving can be better illuminated-hooray! and I can use my iPOD well- There is a HUGE amount of information here- and I am greatful- I feel like I fell into another universe- Thanks all- Debbie