Is there an Xgauge code for Ambient temp in Fahrenheit? I have the code for Celsius, but my brain don't work in Celcius.
Curious why you'd really need it? There's an ambient temp display on the MFD. I personally would like to be able to display >4 values at a time and don't need one of them being taken up by the OAT.
Thank you RR, I will plug that in. cwerdna, I guess it is a "because I can" thing. What I would really like is an X gauge for cabin temperature. You know the car has a sensor for that to regulate the auto A/C, but no info for the driver.
IIRC, SG has multiply and divide fields you can use for unit conversions. F = 9C/5 + 32 I cannot remember how you add the 32
The ranges of C are from -40°C to 215°C. A byte can be from 00h to FFh so it must has an offset of 40. C' = C - 40 F = 9C/5 + 32 F = 9C'/5 + 32 F = 9(C-40)/5 + 32 F = 9C/5 - 72 + 32 F = 9C/5 - 40 -40 convert to hex. is FFD8 (2's complement).
30's hot, 20's nice, 10's cold, Zero is ice. Celsius, a commonly used temperature measurement in the US system of measurement (SI) is based on units of 10. You probably use $US money, use a computer, listen to CDs and watch DVDs. Printer paper if 18 X 22 cm. Don't convert, it messes your brain up, just learn SI system of measurement.
You just did .... incorrectly. I also question the judgement of someone from Fresno that calls 30C hot.:cheer2: