Now that Bin Laden is dead, that's one less person off the list that Chuck Lorre would hire before Charlie Sheen.
Why were CNN and ABC news running a news ticker just before Obama's news cast that says bin Laden was killed a week or so ago? How did they get DNA confirmation in less than 12 hours?
:cheer2: Hooray the wicked witch of the east is dead! Did you notice that all the talking heads on national news channels are all of a sudden Obama experts?
Oh, one more thing...if Obama's death is not going to end the war, nor save U.S. lives, than I hope this great news will prompt our stock markets to soar to new heights...
I'll look for the link, but the DNA result has NOT officially been confirmed. Results should in in later today.
I think this was a shrewd and rational decision that had been thoroughly thought through. I also believe that the burial at sea must have been videotaped for future records (e.g. in case Donald Trump refuses to admit he's a nutjob)
Am I the only one who could care less? I never have been one of those "go team" people....its too hard to focus on who's really calling the shots. Osama....Obama....Bernanke....Chase....Ford.....its all one big circus family with too many hidden ties to buy into any one franchise. And besides all that, I wouldn't be surprised if they pulled this clown out of some cold storage meat locker for the Big Event.
Re: Osama Been Lousy is dead It did take long to do one of these YouTubes [ame=]YouTube - Hitler is informed Osama Bin Laden has been found and killed[/ame]
It's endlessly ironic that this entire time he was living (and killed) in a mansion, and sleeping in a comfortable bed, instead of in a cave in the mountains.