I have a cheap TomTom ($75) and truly appreciate the versatility across multiple cars, and ability to stow away in my console. I guess if mine breaks, I'll throw it away and buy another whereas the OP may have to hundreds to repair rather than have a blank screen on the dash. It sounds as if Toyota may step up on this one and cover repairs. I hope so.
I had the same problem.......the preferences were set to 'avoid freeways' so it was sending me through small towns only. Once I corrected the setting it works fine
I am the original poster. I thank everyone for their input. I am making another long road trip in a couple of weeks. I will reset the options to include toll roads and see if that helps. I love the Prius as a road trip car. 50 mph head winds and I still got 42.5 mpg. If I needed to pass it would really get up and go, reaching 85 mph in just a few seconds.
no need to wait, try it before going on another trip Can you at least confirm that changing these settings helps w/the problem trip you mention? You don't have to drive anywhere. Just check to see if the route is better. If not, it would be interesting to answer my earlier query:
I agree that it is in the settings. There are too many people on here that are not having any issues with the Navi system, me included. Once I took the time to experiment with the settings and finally had the system set to my driving style, I have not had any issues with the system and use it all of the time. The system is far from perfect and could use some improvements, but if there was a true problem with the system then everyone would be having problems, not just the vocal minority.
I am the Original Poster and I just wanted to update on the Nav system. I changed the preferences to include Toll Roads and it now workd very well. It even got me through Los Angeles freeways and streets with nary a hiccup. The only complaint I still have is that the voice activation is balky. Even when I carefully pronounce a street destination or other command, it is often misinterpreted and the darn thing will just abort and you have to start all over again. Nevertheless it is easy enough to put in a destination manually and I wouldn't want to live without it.
+2 If you have the Nav set for shortest route, it will take you in,and through every byway and alley, if it deems that the route is the shortest,
Nav's are hit or miss. Even my android phone's google map with the most updated map would give me retarded routes sometimes. I used to have a headunit in my previous car with garmin nav unit in it and even that would give me some retarded routes sometimes. From my experience of using navs, different brand nav units will give different routes to same destination almost all the time. You just have to understand that there are limitations and work around (such as settings). I highly advise you learn the ins and outs of your nav unit because route calculations are sensitive to your settings. I actually like my prius nav because of live traffic. Great for use during rush hour to plan your routes before you head out Also, the split screen showing the next turn/exit to take is cool. . Sometimes I use two navs when I'm heading out to uncharted territories and take which ever route I like the best.
OMG, I didn't think anyone else did this! I have a TomTom ONE speaking with a male voice, and a Droid phone with Google Navigation using Loquendo's female voice. It's hilarious to listen to the two devices "argue" over the best route. [TomTom] After 400 yards, turn left. [Droid] In 1000 ft, turn right at Columbus Road. [TomTom] Turn left. [Droid] Turn RIGHT!