Hi All, Yes, I've searched for this !! I had the dealer program the smartkey to open all the doors at once by grabbing the handle, but pressing the button on the keyfob to unlock the doors requires the two pushes and it's driving me crazy. Is this something that a user can do, or is it something that needs to be done by the dealer ? I've searched the manual, asked some people at Toyota, but no one seems to know for sure how to do this. I'm sure I could have missed it in my search, but if anyone knows, could they please direct me to the post via link or refer me to the manual page number ? Thanks very much ! REV
The unlocking function to unlock all doors with one press on the fob (wireless remote control) is a dealer customization. View attachment 29919
The manual tells you how to unlock all doors by grabbing the handle. I did mine and it works. Sorry not near my vehicle to find the exact page but it is there. All I do now is touch my handle and every door unlocks.
On your remote press the "lock" and "unlock" buttons at the same time.The Prius will chirp it's acknowledgment to you then you can release the buttons... All doors will now unlock.
+1 for bobbraynard's suggestion. Each time you press-and-hold both the lock & unlock (on the fob), it toggles between unlock just drivers door and unlock all doors. Also: The dash displays a picture of a car, with either just driver's door open, or all doors open, and there's a long beep, then a few short beeps. I believe the beep sequence is a little different for each case, but the pic alone will confirm. You can do this immediately after getting into the car, it doesn't need to in accessory or ready mode, just off. I did find this in the manual once, but can't seem to find it this morning.
Oops, just re-read the post. My apologies. Remote programming with the fob is a adjustment by the Technician.
Didn't work. Holding down lock and unlock until you hear the confirmation tone (two beeps two times (or three times)) makes the KEYLESS part toggle like that when you grab the handle, but DOES NOT change the functionality of the remote itself. My remotes will only unlock the drivers door no matter the setting. Doing the above DOES toggle the handle grabbing functionality between unlocking all doors and unlocking the drivers door only. Damn !! Any other ideas ? REV
Dealer needs to make this change. I looked through the entire Customization section of the owner's manual and the dealer made all the changes I wanted during my 5K service (no charge).
I had the dealer program the fob to open all doors at once. It isn't too smart or safe to have all the doors open at once by grabbing the handle. Someone could gain entry on the other side and it's not worth the risk. I'll only use the fob to open all doors at once when I'm with someone and not alone.
I had a Viper system installed that lets me change this option. It has a mode that sends a single or double pulse to the ECU to unlock the doors. A double pulse unlocks all the door. This will not help you but if you are on the fence of a getting a after market remote start system this is good info.
If you are searching this old thread, I posted the answer in a new thread here. 2014 Prius 2 program key fob to unlock all door 1 push (how to) | PriusChat