2 yrs ago if you owned a Prius everybody would tease you about it, now that gas priceshave gone crazy everybody trying to get one? Hummmmmmm???
Yeah every time fuel prices go crazy it's like giving a great big dose of "STFU" to the most vocal Prius critics isn't it. BTW. What's the price per gallon in the US at the moment?
It varies greatly by state. I think the average is about $3.90 a gallon right now. The lowest looks like Wyoming at $3.56 a gallon and the highest looks like Hawaii at $4.56 a gallon. Those are just averages though. I found one gas station in Death Valley California that is $5.10 a gallon.
Yeah all my friends have been teasing me for a while now about prius. But in past 2 months I have helped 3 of them buy a prius I also used to get teased about how I pushed myself to constantly increase my fuel economy and now those same people are picking my brain nonstop on how they can increase there fuel economy.
I never received the teasing. We have had ours since 2006, and people in this area have been curious and interested. Tom
H jammin, it's just over $5.00 here in Australia. In UK and parts of Europe it's already equivalent to about $9 US/gal! I can't see prices going anything other way than up either.
Six years ago people questioned my sanity. Most thought I was trying to make some environmental statement and some thought I was simply throwing my money away because - as we all know - the Prius will never pay for itself. There are many reasons why I bought a Prius, the least of which is the intention of making a statement. The primary reason is once again manifesting itself at the pumps.
My father gave us some guff but once I took him for a ride in it he was amazed at how seamless it is in transition. Everyone pictures the switch being a jolt like a transmission shifting and when they realize you don't have to know what mode your car is in to drive it (another misconception that it requires driver input) then it becomes quite a different animal.
That pretty much sums up my experience and position as well. There are so many Prius in my area that no one even takes a second glance anymore. Back in 2005 it was a different story.
I agree... My Mother has had one since 04' and now has an 10'. don't know why i didn't get one earlier......
I went from a Geo Metro to a Toyota Echo to a Prius, so most of my friends and family were happy I wasn't getting another subcompact when I got it.
for fuel prices, just look up gasbuddy, gives you all the info you need. I even went one step further, I went and bought a nice bicycle, and now my gas mileage is through the roof! Actually, I probably get the equivalent of about 50 mpg on my bicycle, by the time you figure in two homemade hamburgers and 24oz of water equal the cost of a gallon of gas....lol. ....looking at it like that, my bicycle still can't beat my prius MPG..
www.fuelgaugereport.com is a good place to look for the national average, averages state by state and by metro area. http://www.energy.eu/ has great info on Europe.
On my 6th Hybrid. 2003, 2003, 206,2007 Civic Hybrid. Gave 3 of those to my children. Now 2009 and 2011 Prius. Best cars ever made! I hope all the automotive manufactuers make very small fuel efficient trucks and cars soonest. I miss my VW Diesel truck bad.
Looks nice. But GasBuddy.com - Find Low Gas Prices in the USA and Canada is community driven, real up to date info for the lowest prices wherever I am when I need to fill up, and they have a free phone app to give me all that info at a touch. Saving money on fuel is just as important to me as getting the most MPG out of my prius as possible. There is as much as a .20 cents difference per gallon just in my area where I live. So, if I fill up (low price vs. high price) and save .20 cents a gal, and buy 10 gallons, I just saved a $2.00. At todays fuel prices in the Prius, $2.00 is the monetary equivalent of 26 miles. So, it's like getting 26 miles for free.
I am a traffic cop here in the UK and i get constantly teased about it, every single day!! It doesn't bother me though as i know i save money each and every year while some people pay ridiculous amounts of money just to say they drive a 4x4!!