Hello all, I cannot figure this one out. I checked for codes and there were not any to remove the warning symbol light. The symbol will not go away. Does anyone know if there is a way to reset other than the 12 volt disconnect? I checked the steering wheel connections. Is there a sensor under the hood? Location? I really will appreciate any help. Thanks Joe
Thank you Seilerts, Thats interesting, never did that jumpering the obdII, Can I use an ordinary jumper wire? Joe
Use anything that conducts and will stay plugged-in. Please be very mindful of the warning notice, as there is magic smoke potential in making the connection incorrectly.
Thanks Seilerts, I went to the local autopart place and they scanned it again, there are no codes. The airbag light just cannot cleared out I guess. When I use the jumper, where do I look for code signals? Is there a sensor under the hood? I appreciate your help Joe
The air bag light will flash. Count the number of flashes to get each digit, and each digit is separated by a pause.
Thanks Seilert, I have been a little sick lately and could not do the test. Worked just like you said, It flashed once, paused then flashed five times. I Repeated to be sure. Is this a 15? What is this? Joe
Code 15 is for the front passenger side airbag sensor. This would be mounted on/near the radiator support near the headlight. Look for a wiring problem: is the connection tight, are the wires in good shape, etc. Please follow all precautions regarding airbag systems if you do further troubleshooting, like checking the wiring harness for continuity, replacing the sensor, etc., since you can cause the airbags to deploy, or else take to a dealer or mechanic.
Theanks Seilert, It was the sensor plug, located on the frame across from the engine pulley. It was unplugged. I am very appreciative of people like you, Tochihato and Bob Wilson for the years of help with troubleshooting this car. All of you are a real blessing for the rest of "common" Prius owners. Thanks again, Joe
My airbag light is on with no codes as well. So, jumping the odb2... get 53.... 5 blinks a pause and 3 more. Would know what that represents?