I was looking at the 2004 Prius NHTSA safety ratings (http://www.nhtsa.dot.gov/NCAP/Cars/2971.html) and while it got 5 stars in the front impact tests, it only got 4 stars in the side impact tests. Does anyone know if this is with the standard package or is it for the prius equipped with side curtain airbags?
We've speculated in the past (and I want to say someone got a response from the NHTSA too) that this was w/o side airbags. They also responded that in all cars with side airbags, the rating generally went up 1 star. I think they also stated that they test 1-2 cars with the basic equipment that all cars come with - probably bought off a lot to ensure that the results are realistic. If the manufacturer wants additioanl testing, they'd have to provide additional vehicles with extra equipment. I, of course, would like to see a car with side airbags tested - however Toyota would have to provide the vehicle for testing (per the response).
You might want to check out this thread. Ken Cooper actually emailed the test folks. The testing was done on the standard equipped model, which is without the side and curtain airbags, so we all expect that those with airbags do better on side impact collisions.
It pains me to hear that they demolished a perfectly good Prius (It better have not been a Salsa). I suppose it's one of those "necessary evil sort of things.
This link has probably been posted elsewhere, but http://www.highwaysafety.org/news_releases...04/pr041804.htm a recent report demonstrates that side airbags can improve protection. I could not find data on the 2004 Prius, but the web site is interesting, with a lot of safety-related information. There have been advances in passenger and driver safety. The next push might be pedestrian vs car safety (designing cars to reduce the chances of injuring pedestrians in a collision.)
They demolished at least two Prius if you look at the pictures. A Seaside and a Silver. They still have to run the "rollover rating" but I'm confident the Prius will do well on that test.
The European Version of NHTSA already does this. Found out when my wife went looking for crash data on the Prius last November.