I had my 2010 Prius for a little over a month and experience a couple of times the issue of acceleration. I was going only about 15 mph and it felt like I got a push from someone behine me. What can I do about this?
You need to educate yourself on how regenerative to friction braking works by visiting various topics in this forum.
just over 30k miles on mine so far and i haven't crashed it once. If you are braking moderately at fairly low speeds (15-25mph) and go over a bump/drain/loose gravel/ice/pothole (you should be able to see all these things on the road) then you will get a momentary reduction in braking force while the car switches from regenerative braking to friction braking. If you stomp the pedal (or were already stomping on it) then friction braking is immediately engaged and stopping distance is not affected in any way. the only way i can see this causing an accident is if someone feels it thinks "i am pressing the wrong pedal!" and either comes off the brake completely, or worse, then stands on the accelerator.
You can sometimes replicate the sensation when cruising to a stop with a light brake pedal, and the front wheel hits a pot hole. The regenerative brake reacts to the change in resistence, and momentarily gives the sensation the car might accelerate. Press the brake pedal a bit harder, and the sensation ceases. And, of course you are now beyond the pot hole. 36k miles, and no issues to date. It is just a sensation that is different ... but I think normal with any vehicle with regenerative brakes.
Concur. Don't be concerned. The "other UA" issue that you've been hearing about is the "I mashed the accelerator instead of the brake" form of unintended acceleration, which isn't what you're experiencing, and is nothing to worry about. Greetings and Welcome Aboard....(In case somebody forgot to do so..) :welcome: Relax and enjoy your car!
I agree that this can be a little startling the first time it happens to you but as noted, you aren't accelerating, and just keep pushing the pedal to stop the car. Once you've had it happen once and know what it feels like it won't be so jarring when it happens again.
OP is talking about the perceived acceleration (which doesn't actually happen) that occurs during regenerative to friction braking transition, not UA. Takes some time to get used to if you live in an area full of potholes or road imperfections.