I use Pensoil Platinum because it is available for me in 0-20. Lots here use synthetic for various reasons . Do a search and read about all the reasons why. Peak is a good brand?Hal
I believe 0-20 is the desired oil to be used in Canada and has been for a year or so. Toyota came out with a directive on this matter for G2. I believe they have done the same in the US? 0-30 is OK . Hal
Hi Theshark. If you are going to consider synthetic, might as well use one of the big names. I use Mobil 1, but many others are worthy. Pennzoil, Castrol just to name a few. Check out Bobistheoilguy.com if you want more information.
Hey I use 0w30 Amsoil and have had no issues. Wal mart sells 5 quart Mobil 1 0w/30 for 24.99 that would be your best bet. But all synthetics would be better than running dino oil.