Earlier this week I was going thru an underpass and a pigeon flew into the side of my Prius. I saw him coming out of the corner of my eye and he clearly "had the brakes on". I thought nothing of it since I was doing about 50mph at the time and I guess he didn't see me coming at first, until... Just yesterday I was going thru another underpass, this time only going about 15mph, and another pidgeon flew down and bounced off of the windshield. In my 30+ years of driving I've never had a bird hit my car. Excement, yes, but the bird itself..never! I wonder if the car's low drag coefficient might have something to do with it, or if the car's color (seaside pearl) might be confusing the birds (do birds see in color?). Do they just hate hybrids? :noidea:
I have hit 5 seagulls, and countless little birds with my Xterra in the past 10 years. Those seagulls make a hell of a thud at 50-60 mph. Still hoping not to hit anything with my prius.
Great. Now we are going to see a rash of news stories about how Prius kill birds, just like wind turbines. Tom
I've had this Prius for a month and have had a couple close encounters with birds. My daughter has commented many times on the problem of wild animals not hearing her Prius.