Anyone know what my options are for a cracked 2010 navigation screen? Here’s what I’ve garnered from extremely limited internet research: (1) Dealer: $4295 and a headache (2) Heretofore unreachable repair-man email address: $650 (?) (3) Ebay Part-pimps: $995 + shipping with a couple of scratches thrown in for free (4) DIY rumors of take-the-shards-out & replace it with glass/plastic (5) DIY with factory ordered between screen & film layer from maybe JPL/Danso?? My wallet likes the ideas of the last couple options, but my logic tells me they are perhaps pvc-pipe dreams. Anyone out there knowledgeable on the matter or tried or have contacts for parts/glass-like-piece etc? I’d really appreciate any info/insights.
If you carry comprehensive, you might be able to claim it on your automotive insurance, as it's an integrated part of the car - depending on the circumstances surrounding the damage of the screen. If it was abuse, they won't cover it.
I tried option 4 with my last cell phone. It had the glass front with a connector to plug into the motherboard. It was a pain in the a** to fix. I eventually got it in and wala nothing. It seems the digitizer behind the screen was also broken. So be careful of the diy fixes, they may be the aforementioned pipe dreams.
(You might get more helpful attention if you post in one of the Gen III specific forums. Anyway...) $4295 installed sounds awfully steep. Try another dealer. Investigate buying one from a dealer and installing it yourself, or paying an independent to install it. In the interest of helping others avoid the problem: how was it broken?
Thanks, I will try posting in the correct forum. I broke it by stupidly using my car to transport a table across town for a friend. :Cry: