I purchased my car in January of 05 and I already have close to 28,000 miles on it. This means I'm averaging almost 2,800 miles a month. Thank god I'm driving a Prius. I can't even imagine what it would be costing me if I hadn't replaced my F-150. Are there any other high mileage drivers out there?
I picked mine up Sept 1st and have just hit 5000 miles. I also was gone for 9 days on vacation since then. So I'm averaging about 500 miles a week so far. Nothing unusual for me. Summer and Winter are actually my higher mileage months too, so this will likely increase. So far, I've saved $590.63 in gas over my Jeep.
I'm buying mine because of the miles per week. Will be about 650 a week. Right now I'm doing it in a superduty F250 diesel if you want to use something like that for your benchmark of savings. Currently, it's about $550 a month in fuel. I buy 30 gallons ($80 to $100) every 4 work days. Check out my comparrison chart here: http://d.spicher.home.comcast.net/prius/mileage.htm I put in an average of 47 expected from the Prius and have been checking the price of gas at the pump when I get diesel. Very likely would have saved me over $600 since 9/15 had I been driving the Pruis.
I've had mine since the end of May of this year, and I just hit 16,500 miles...that's just about 2900 miles a month.
Good God! You people drive too much! I put less than 100k on my last car and I had it for over 10 years! We'll see about this one.