Basically because they're not (literally) scripted, feature non-actors and are "plotless"---until they make (with hype) their own "plots". Naturally, TV producers love 'em, as they're much cheaper to make than scripted shows.
that's pretty sad. i wish there was some stuff with substance to watch. Even Discovery channel got sooo bad that it's scary with the police chases and such
Battlestar Galactica Battlestar Galactica Battlestar Galactica Battlestar Galactica Battlestar Galactica Battlestar Galactica!!!!! ME LOVE Battlestar Galactica!!!!
Watching "Alien Planet" on DSC as we, er, speak. Pretty imaginative. But I hear what you're saying. Not much on the Comedy Channel is funny, either...
Get ready to laugh. I don't watch TV. I haven't subscribed to cable or sat. services for about 3 years now. I'm saving at least $45/month and I don't have time to sit and watch anyway so I'd be throwing money in the toilet. I do however get to see dailies and finished shows at my work. I work on MadTV, Over There, The Shield, Nip/Tuck, Starved, Thief (new show), and my favorite 24 (season 1 only). Mostly Fox and FX originals. Then I have to watch RugRats and All Grown Up cartoons. Every episode! I know the friggin theme songs by heart. Oh, and I forgot Comedy Central and Mind of Mancia.
Prison Break & Smallville (tho i download since i have class both nites) I dont have cable at home Otherwise anything but Lifetime Channel(girly cry cry movies), and i HATE reality shows...Oh and any star trek except deep crap nine.
Umm, let me think. Sorry, no go incase this is read by one of my clients. People get fired for posting info. about thier jobs. But let me add that the next MadTV (with Pam Anderson :wub has a great skit about a car sales man. Great stuff.
Love my new Dish Network dual-tuner DVR.... Cringe at the mention of VHS now. On my first Dish DVR (single tuner, 100 hrs), I used half of the drive recording the 2004 Olympics!!! I finally got to the closing ceremonies about two weeks late. Yeah, I'm a junkie. Currently watch: - The West Wing - my former favorite, though the show hasn't been the same since creator Aaron Sorkin left. (Anyone else rooting for Alda? Could take the show in a new direction, which is what it needs.) - Battlestar Galactica - my current favorite, by far the best show on TV. It's fracking intense! - Just started getting into Smallville... on the verge of becoming Superman. - Family Guy - the most side-splitting show since South Park. Plus, Brian (the dog) drives a Prius. - South Park. - Any and all Law & Order franchises, including reruns - I miss Jerry Orbach. - Both Stargate franchises. - Surface, Invasion, My Name Is Earl, E-Ring, Charmed, and The Closer. I really miss Farscape!
- Battlestar Galactica - my current favorite, by far the best show on TV. It's fracking intense! definitely!! and boomer is hawt.
We watch a few network TV shows: LOST 7th Heaven Medium Lots of PBS, especially the "do-it-yourself" shows on Saturday We don't have cable or dish-anything because one less monthly bill helps us reach our "No-debt" goal. Besides, we'd wind up watching more TV if we had cable, and we don't want to go down that road. I wonder what a "Do you have cable?" poll would come out like? We rent movies if we're in the mood for TV viewing or if the weather's nasty.
I tend to be pretty picky about science fiction TV (Firefly is the only satisfying thing I've seen in the last 6-7 years). But I've heard enough good things about the second coming of Galactica, from all corners, to check it out. One exception: tried out the new Christopher Eccelston Dr. Who last year, and it was terrific. Writing was excellent. Dr. Who and Battlestar Galactica... If you told me they'd be some of the best stuff on TV 20 years ago, I would have bet $100 you were full of it.
And I have to say (sorry, Danny) that 24 and Smallville are entertaining only in the "they're so bad they're good" arena. I've ended up reading the hilarious recaps of these shows on the Television Without Pity web site. Really, I think it's time Keiffer Sutherland got cast in a romatic comedy -- I just can't see him as anything but tense. Oh, if we're talking "so bad they're awful" shows: Charmed. Ack ptui.
I never cared for Survivor either. I watched a couple of episodes the first season and then stopped, as it became unwatchable to me. I do love my television, as I stated in my above post and consider it one of my sources of entertainment. So that it won't sound as if my life revolves solely around television, I also have other hobbies/interests that I enjoy. I love watching old movies, my favorites being on Turner Classic Movies (from the 20's-50's mainly), attend plays, concerts, some movies (although theatres have gotten expensive lately-I prefer to wait till a movie comes out on dvd), read lots of books and magazines and the newspaper, snowboard, run, swim, hike, travel, snorkel, horseback ride, rollerblade, attend ice hockey games, cook, and work full time as well...sometimes television is just fun to watch for its silliness--it's a form of entertainment to me, plain and simple. There are many things that I enjoy in life and television is just one of them. And Tivo simplifies things and eliminates commercials so I am able to watch a 30 minute show in 22 minutes or less and so on. And I watch my shows as time allows on my own schedule, not the network's.
I would assume everybody has other interests than just TV shows. Would you give an insight to "Bachelor", you mentioned it as one of your favorite shows. What is entertaining in it? Maybe I'll start watching too, maybe I'm missing a great deal by not watching, maybe I can learn something?
SciFi Fridays! StarGate SG-1 StarGate Atlantis Battlestar Galactica My wife enjoys recapping the last 10 seasons of Friends about every night in addition to Charmed and Smallville.