For those of you out there that have done an aftermarket nav, what kit did you use? Do you like it? Have you changed it? Pics?!?!? Thanks
Hello, i just installed my new HU, and used the Scosche. I'm not fully happy with it. There is a gap between thr HU and the scosche (maybe the culpit is the HU, not only the trim plate).
I have to change my opinion about the Scosche. The gap between trim and HU was my fault. I took out the radio and installed it again. Now fits almost perfectly:
I bought both because they were like $7 apiece from Amazon at the time... I thought Scosche might be better quality... but although they take slightly different approaches to filling the space, they seemed about the same quality. I ended up choosing the Metra because it leaves less blank space around the edges (where the switches are on the stock, Rosen, and Fly units)... if that makes any sense.... P.S. I must learn how to post pictures in this forum
I liked the scosche kit better. Both would be better if they matched the grain, but both are fine. I originally put in a pioneer with scocshe, then it was stolen. Insurance company put in a metra, so I have had both.
Looks like the opening of Metra is larger than the standard 2DIN size (180x100mm), is it 200x100mm? How about Scosche? Is it 180x100mm?
The Toyota piece is just better for me. The radio already looks aftermarket. The Metra/Scosche just made it look worse by not matching the color and texture of the dash.