But I can't help it!!! WHY did they get rid of the HID's in package 4 to replace it with a stupid backup camera? DOH! It was one of the things that I loved. It was something that you found on higher end cars but it was on the Pri and it kinda set it apart from the other cars. NOW you have to buy the $3800 package 6. Now I may as well get a civic or save a bunch of money and buy the Yaris when it comes out. :angry: I know and warned you all that it was a petty disappointment. But one that I liked and am very disappointed to see go to higher priced package that I don't want....or need. Stupid. Well, that helped make my decision easier. If I'm going to spend that kind of money I may as well get my Outback XT and at least get turbo and all wheel drive.
Hummm, let's see -- according to Consumer Guide, "Test GT wagon with automatic transmission averaged 15.5 mpg in mostly city driving. Test GT sedan with manual averaged 20.1 mpg with more highway mileage. Test Outback XT with manual averaged 15.5. Outback 3.0 R averaged 21.6 in test that included both lots of highway driving and gas-eating performance runs. Turbocharged and six-cylinder models require premium-grade fuel." You might be able to make up that kinda money pretty fast considering you would be paying for premium-grade too.
Probably won't be able to touch an 05 after the 06's come out. And I'd rather take delivery next year naturally. And if I'm going to buy new I'd rather buy new. And because I wanted an 06, other wise what was the point in waiting. An 05 just wouldn't feel as new in 06. Bah to Toyota.
Oh, threw the Outback in there because I used to want one but dropped it because of the fuel mileage. I no longer drive over 100 miles a day as I use public transportation now so it's back in there. As for premium fuel, I have to use it now so it doesn't matter. We're slaves to oil no matter what. Still, just very disappointed that they moved the HID's to a different package. Sure I could do a kit but no thank you. I'm a low maintanence kinda guy. Would rather not.
Personally, I'd trade HID for back-up camera with some changes in my pocket. But, that's just me. I don't need the extra bright light to agitate other drivers. Unless you live in rural area, I fail to see the point of HID head lights. BTW, back-up camera and HID are in the same class in term of luxury. How many low-end vehicle do you know have back-up camera? It's easier to install HID after-market than back-up camera, which requires software NAVI and software integration that make it close to factory-level.
I do agree that the backup camera is still a nice feature. But think they are more useful on larger vehicles such as minivans and suv's. But here there are a lot of deer and the house that I'm looking at is in a very rural area. I just like the extra bright lights. As for doing them aftermarket, I'm not overly fond of the idea as I trust NO one here to do the work. I can add the camera myself, I'm geeky enough to figure that out and would probably add a pc to the mix if I was going to go that route. I know it seems stupid but I just like the HID's and honestly they don't bother me when other cars have them on. As for being a slave to oil, I'm still researching Straw built homes, passive heating and solar energy. I do care about the environment but I'd also like to be able to either eliminate or at least greatly reduce subscribed energy use and be self sustaining. Except for my cable modem of course Yes I'm a slave to Comast....lol. As far as normal cost of living your energy costs are what eat away at your income the most and can greatly affect your retirement. Of course, solar energy is great but it's also expensive and needs replaced every 20 or so years from my understanding. Anyway, it's taken over an hour to write this due to meetings and such. Darn Job!!!! I need to get back to work.