Can someone brief me on what the procedures will be if I purchase my '06 Prius out of my home state? For instance, will I have to pay sales tax in the state of purchase and pay them again when I register the vehicle in my home state? Will I have to register in the other state and then re-register in my home state, incurring registration fees both times? What about temporary tags to get the vehicle home? Anything else that I need to be concerned with?
I have booked my Prius with a dealer in the neighbouring state. I know that Vermont (where my dealer is located) charges sales tax, but New Hampshire (where I live), does not. So i do not have to pay any sales tax when i take delivery of my car. And since i am a resident of NH, i have to register my car in NH only, and pay fees accordingly... just once. I think that i will get temporary VT plates to get the car out of the dealership, and drive it on the roads, and once i register it in NH, i can put my NH plates on. Hope this helps.
Contact your DMV (look for their webpage FAQ). In California it used to be if the car has less then 7,500 (?) miles and is less then then 3 months then it would be taxed and registered as a new car (all CA taxes apply). If the car is operated in CA for more the 30 days it needs a CA registration.
I live in NC and bought my car in VA. I had to pay about $40 local (city) tax to the dealer. The dealer provided me with a temporary tag good for 30 days. I had to pay the NC state sales tax when I registered the car in NC. I sold my Audi to a guy in Montana (on Ebay.) Same story. He came with a Montana temporary tag and was going to pay the state tax when he got the car back home. I don't know how it works in other states but I imagine it's similar in most states.