An alternative is to tap into the kick panel fuse box and use add a fuse to eliminate the need for installing T-taps. This way might be a bit easier than trying to figure out which wire to connect to. The fuse corresponding to ECU-IG provides power for when the car is turned on. The fuse box is located underneath the steering wheel, kinda by the hood release. Once you get your head down there you'll see it. Its a white box.
So, for those of you that have done this, provide power to their Garmin somehow connected internally. How did you go about snaking the power cable into the dash? Where is the entry point? And can you share some pics? Thank you
Sorry I havent checked this thread sooner. I basically mounted a dashboard camera near my rear view mirror. I routed the power source along the top headliner and down the A-pillar, through the gap and into the kick panel fusebox. I followed install instructions for the electrochromatic mirror to take apart the A-pillar ( I figure if you're going to have your garmin to the left of your dash, routing the power through the A-pillar would be the way to go. Unfortunately, I didn't take any pics when I was working on my car.
Here's what I did - and works great. Link: