I'm having an issue that i didn'thave in my chevy impala. this is something i think for ppl who drive alot. I do not have a place to rest my left arm when im driving. i grab the handle on cieling. So I found these 2options, anyone haveone of these and do you know what im tlaking about,being ableto rest you arm/elbow? AutoSport Catalog - Instant Armrest 800-953-0814 this is the one that originally intrigued me AutoSport Catalog - Arm-Restler 800-953-0814 this looks prettyusefull,what you think? AutoSport Catalog - Drop Stop 800-953-0814
Hi asdocktor, I think the arm rest is too low. and extends too far forward. My left knee is qetting quite sore bumping into that thing. Along with the center console, the available space for a full sized guy is quite restrictive. Its a shame that Toyota screwed up the interior so badly! The Gen II Prius had none of these problems...
I like the instant Armrest may even get it Drop stop I would pass because I like to check under the seat once a year to see what kind of surpraise I can find ( boy I need a new hobby )
EXACTLY, My left knee is bothering me too. Any soluton for this? I don't have the leather option. If i wrapped it in leaher maybe it would be softer? I was considering wrapping the insides. Which arm rest do you think is bette?
Hi asdoktor, I do not commonly drive long distances on the interstate highway, so, I do not have the left arm issue. My left hand is always on the steering wheel. I imagine, if I was cruising hours at a time , I would want to rest the left arm and steer with the right hand only. But that is not my case. So, I have no preference on the Arm Rests, not having the experience to know how high I would like to rest my arm...
Yeah...I looked at those too. I decided to go with upgrading the OEM armrest and the Leather Z's worked out fine. I agree about the Plastic hoop in front of the switches rubbing agains left knee. I would love to figure out how to take the door apart and get that plastic piece off. I bet then I could send out and have leather wrapped...
my issue with restng my left arm, their is no where to comfortable put it for hours of driving. I think th cheap one i'll go with. but you mention you upgraded armrest, are you saying that you wrapped the insides and the doorrests and now their is site area for the elbow and/or forearm to rest? Because there really isn't enough site area for resting now. Iam highly considering doing the insides, but do the seats make a big difference in comfort? The left knee,where the plastic pokes out is so annoying really, ican't believe the design. I guess if it could be wrapped in leather it would soften it up?
Last time I rented a 2010 Prius, a III version, I hopped over to a place named Bob's Foam Factory. The tech showed me some neoprene which is very, very dense foam. He also showed some gray stuff called 'Crosslink' which is dense like neoprene, but much cheaper. For $1.50, he cut a 1" thick piece x 2" x 6" I easily attached it using double sided duct tape. It held well to the fabric and was easy to remove a couple days later. If anything, this will give you an idea how much better it is to add an inch to the armrest as, yes, the door armrest sits 3/4" lower than the center console (on the Gen 2 Prius, the door is 1/4" higher than center console). It's kinda surprising how Toyota screwed the door armrests up. Steering wheel position is a little scary too, but well enough I think. Anyrate, here's a solution pic, $1.53
Every arm rest on a door is to low for me, I usually rest my arm by the window Different strokes for different people I done a 18 hour drive in one day and had no problems except the steering wheel should be leather wrap in all models
I went with the Road Rest option and am happy with it. I have the front windows tinted and was worried the other one would scratch the film.
The absolute best armrests were in the last gen Mitsu Diamante...I never owned one but rented a couple and I still remember those...perfectly placed...shaped comfy. Its a shame Mitsubishi could get nothing else right. Toyota should hire those interior designers though.
I haven't thought about that, because i tend to put my arm way higher than that like on the window sill area with windw up. So i tend to jusr grab the hndle on cieling. Im going to order that arm rest thing off that link i posted, it just feels right t me, thanks for showing me this though,its just still to low for me.
I have a 2011 Prius Four. The driver door armrest is way too low, as remarked on this thread. Maybe needs to be 1 - 2" higher, have not tested it. Didn't anyone at Toyota test drive this before finaliziung the design? This is a bad mistake. I think the craftsman a6t LeatherZ should design one for Gen III prius, he will sell a lot of them. Nice, leather covered, simple to install. Something like cycledrum's solution above, but needs to look nicer.
Check out: LeatherZ 2010+ Gen3 Toyota Prius Door Armrests! NEW! | eBay It's only about 1/4"-3/8", but they have the basic idea. Maybe they can build a thicker/higher one.....
I wrote him a couple of weeks ago. He has not considered designing one. I think he would sell many of them if he made it 2" higher, if you can design a firm attachment.