Reporting HOV Violaters

Discussion in 'Gen 2 Prius Main Forum' started by saechaka, Nov 10, 2005.

  1. saechaka

    saechaka Member

    Dec 1, 2004
    I think I've been seeing more and more people use the HOV lanes here in Seattle with only a single passenger. I report it every chance I get because it really irks me. Just wondering if you guys and gals do the same. I also wish there was a way to report those car where you can clearly see the emissions. The ones that leave huge smoke plumes whereever they go.
  2. aka007ii

    aka007ii New Member

    Aug 27, 2005
    Santa Clarita, CA
    I think you can report smog violators but I don't know what good it does. Do the poh-lice show up at thier door? Does thier car get booted or towed?
  3. Maytrix

    Maytrix Member

    Aug 22, 2005
    Marlborough, Mass
    2009 Prius
    I don't and wouldn't and I've driven in the HOV lane by myself before. There's only a few HOV lanes around here and I never use the one's in Boston. I've only used the one on 84 in CT as I'm heading back and forth to NYC. I've been willing to take my chances.

    Around here, they're pretty much useless. Not enough people use them and in most areas, there's no alternative. States, Towns and the goverment need to improve the transportation infrastructure. More importantly (at least around here), they need to simply add more parking spaces. I've never been able to take public transportation (I'm a consultant and go from client to client), but when my wife was able to, parking was always a problem. It's ridiculous that people need to resort to driving, just because there's no parking at the trains.
  4. hdrygas

    hdrygas New Member

    May 22, 2004
    Olympia Wa
    2004 Prius
    I have tried twice as far as I could tell nothing happened. The other day I was going south on 1-5 through the curves around the Tacoma Dome, a high accident area. There was a 18 wheeler with a ship cargo box on the trailer. These folks always seem to be going north and south between Seattle, Tacoma and Portland at high speed. I think they are paid by the load. He was going 10-20 over weaving in and out though all the lanes including the far left where Trucks are not to go. He cut me off then cut off a Boxer the was able to avoid hitting him by the grace of god, good breaks and superior handling. I decided to call him in so I called 911. They took the information including the fact he had Main Plates (not common in Washington State). I went by a SHP cars doing an intensive patrol and one took off after him following the truck. They disappeared into the distance this guy was moving. 20-30 Min later I receive a call from the SHP dispatcher that I had talked to and she said that the officer had pulled the truck over and to stand by for a call from the officer. She called me and I affirmed his behavior including being in the left most lane. I told her I had a digital speedometer set on 59 mph. She thanked me and reassured me she would handle the situation. I was blown away. This trucker was dangerous and someone did something!
  5. feemia99

    feemia99 Junior Member

    Aug 15, 2005
    Eastern Washington
    There aren't any HOV lanes here, but if there were I would report people misusing them. I also report people who litter on the highway (especially lit cigarette butts) people who have children traveling on an adult's lap instead of in a car seat. People think they can get away with breaking the law just because they don't see any police vehicles.

    I know that in most cases all that happens is that they get a warning letter, but at least I've done what I can (aside from forcing them off the road and pointing out their mistake).
  6. saechaka

    saechaka Member

    Dec 1, 2004
    like the other poster mentioned, i'm hoping reporting them can result them getting a citation if there is a cop nearby. i hope there is a law against emissions that is clearly visible and a problem to other drivers. i know that by reporting hov violaters, the 1st offense is a warning and eventually they will get a ticket in the mail if they get reported enough.
  7. Maytrix

    Maytrix Member

    Aug 22, 2005
    Marlborough, Mass
    2009 Prius
    It doesn't do any good. I'm sure if they did end up getting a ticket, they could fight it and win. People calling in isn't even proof to hold up in court.
  8. ceric

    ceric New Member

    Oct 30, 2004
    Fremont, CA
    2005 Prius
    In most states, there is a website you could report any traffic problems or violations. Since you are not a law enforcer, they can only send the other party a letter to "warn" him/her (if you provide a license plat number). Nothing else will happen next. Hopefully, the driver would get the messages and stop doing whatever he/she did.

    If interested, I could post the link of CA, but I am sure you could easily find it thru google. :)
  9. airportkid

    airportkid Will Fly For Food

    Sep 2, 2005
    San Francisco Bay Area CA
    2005 Prius
    Never a Policeman Around When You Need One --- Sometimes

    Some time ago on US 101 as it bends around Bernal Heights into San Francisco a ratty pickup truck weaved up abreast of me and its passenger sent a beercan sailing into my lane (missed the car). That attracted my attention - their first mistake. It then shot ahead and cut off someone else - their second mistake. At that moment a CHP pulled up abreast and I cranked down the window and hollered "that grey pickup up there is driving recklessly!" In a nanosecond the CHP had his lights on and zoomed up and pulled the pickup off onto the exit. I followed, and parked behind the pair to await developments, in case the CHP needed a statement or something. After a few moments with the driver of the pickup, the officer came back to me and explained that neither occupant of the truck had either a license to drive or registration for the truck.

    If they'd kept the beercan instead of tossing carelessly out the window, they'd never have been noticed. Expensive lesson for that pair.

    Mark Baird
    Alameda CA