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Display Degrees F vs. Degrees C

Discussion in 'Gen 2 Prius Care, Maintenance and Troubleshooting' started by GSTB, Nov 6, 2005.

  1. GSTB

    GSTB New Member

    Nov 6, 2005
    First post and I should've done it a long time ago -I've visited sporadically for quite some time.

    I own a 2004 and have had an ongoing problem that was not answered by email (despite Toyota telling me they were trying to contact engineers --IN JAPAN--) and no dealer's been able to do anything helpful despite replacing my entire nav screen (etc. and at that they installed the dash parts incorrectly so now there's a fairly large gap between the screen and the dash forward of it-----but that's another matter). Since I live 2.5 hours from the nearest dealer it makes dealer visits less than convenient so here's hoping.

    When I turn the car on, my display occasionally displays the OUTSIDE TEMP. in degrees C. When and only when this happens, the voice controls for the climate do not work (nav lady responds as if all is in order, but nothing happens). I can get it back to degrees F by pressing climate and then info on the steering wheel, but the voice control for climate remains "wiggy". The other half of the time when I turn the car on and the temp. is in degrees F everything works perfectly.

    I just figured the techs should know how to set it to ONLY display degrees F but they apparently can't do that. Now, the fact is that in many regards several of us/you probably know more about these cars than a lot of the techs. I decided I would get into the service check screens and see what was there and confess I didn't know what to do with the bulk of it.

    It however brought up a different concern. When the diagnostic ran it had green OK boxes by nearly every item, but there was an orange "Chek" box next to the "Audio H/U" item.

    So, 2 questions:

    1) Is there ANYONE here who knows how to get into the climate settings to ensure that the display only shows degrees F?
    2) Does ANYONE here know what the significance of the Audio H/U Chek message means & what's to be done?

    If no one here can help, I don't think there's much of an answer outside of the engineers.

    It's as if my software is a "hybrid" of the Euro. & American and can't make up its mind. And yes, I have attempted to find some pattern with shut down and start up to link to which temp. unit is shown at start up (0 luck).
  2. hdrygas

    hdrygas New Member

    May 22, 2004
    Olympia Wa
    2004 Prius
    Do you have any of the actual error codes? Several folks around here have the technical manual and can look up the information. Also there are a few master techs who show up from time to time. I wonder if the problem is some where in the system that is sending bad data. Difficult to postulate you got two bad audio visual head units in a row. Some may be able help you off the top of their heads but I have to do a bit of reading.
  3. GSTB

    GSTB New Member

    Nov 6, 2005

    I do not have the actual error codes. Honestly, I never have messed around much with anything in the service check screen or diagnostics mode. I figure I'll do more harm than good if I start messing around in there w/out really knowing what I'm up to. If you or anyone's highly confident about navigating and switching things around in there, I'd be happy to, as time allows do what I can.
  4. DanMan32

    DanMan32 Senior Member

    Aug 27, 2004
    Tampa Bay, FL
    I've seen error codes show up from time to time, even though nothing has gone wrong. I wouldn't worry too much.

    Ironically, one time my JBL amp went nuts but no error codes were generated. Go figure.

    As for your C versus F, sounds like a possible problem with the MFD or the AC amplifier (ECU).
  5. losaltosprius

    losaltosprius Junior Member

    Feb 17, 2004
    Replace the AC ECU (air conditioner electronic computer unit?) also known as the air conditioner amplifier. The techs are unlikely to have seen this problem, but I had it and someone on priusonline.com had it as well. The replacement of the AC ECU fixed it. (The replacement of the MFD [Multifunction Display] did not.)

    Here's my experience.

    I posted the following on priuschat.com in March. I made an original posting in September of last year:

    I have had a problem which I thought appeared after the SSC-40D reprogramming. I described it here in September in a discussion about Celsius versus Fahrenheit display:

    Sometimes (seemingly at random) upon starting the car up, the outside temperature in the upper right of the screen comes up in Celsius even though the ODO is set to miles.

    A workaround for what is clearly a bug is to select the "Climate" display. The Outside temperature will be on the upper left, still in Celsius. However, if you push the "Climate" button again, you will get the Energy Monitor display with the Outside temperature in Fahrenheit.

    When this happens, the internal temperature is reset to 75 degrees Fahrenheit and must be reset by hand.

    After seeing the recent descriptions of the problems with the Multifunction Display (MFD) resulting in TSB EL002-05, I demonstrated the problem at my dealer. They ordered a new MFD (which arrived in three days) and replaced the MFD. See TSB on Multifunction Display - EL002-05 (http://www.priuschat.com/forums/viewtopic.php?t=6549 )

    My dealer did an excellent job: no rattles or scratches. I now have the added functionality of being able to toggle the Energy and Consumption screens via the steering wheel info button.

    Unfortunately, last night (one day after the switch) the screen came up in Celsius again.

    Thus it probably was not the MFD (which probably cost Toyota a bundle to replace.)

    Any ideas?


    Clearly parameter ram is not being maintained. I have not brought my car back to the dealer (Stevens Creek Toyota) since everything else is working, but my 20,000 mile service is coming up, and would like to have this fixed.

    DanMan32 said the following:


    Anyway, if it wasn't the MFD, then it may be the AC amplifier AKA AC ECU.

    What they could try first is reset/toggle the AC customizable configurations. Sometimes toggleing things back and forth fixes little glitches like this.


    Someone else on priusonline.com had a similar problem with a similar solution.

    After calling Toyota, the dealer indeed replaced the AC ECU (air conditioner electronic computer unit.) I haven't had the problem since September.

    On the invoice for the warranty repair, the part that was replaced is listed as FP Number 88650-47050 Amplifier Assy. A.
  6. GSTB

    GSTB New Member

    Nov 6, 2005

    THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!! I CAN'T SAY HOW IMPRESSED I AM TO FIND SOMEONE ABLE TO ANSWER THIS. The degrees F & degrees C problem you described is EXACTLY the one I face and I too have had the MFD replaced with NO success.

    Seriously, THANK YOU!