Not having had my Prius to the Dealership for any reason, how did they know I had 20,000 miles on the car?..........I received a letter from Toyota stating that my 20000 mile checkup was due and I should bring it by, etc,etc. Was this a WAG or an electronic sensor / transmitter. Since I put on 20000 miles in 10 months I thought this amount of mileage was a bit above average.
Maybe it's a lucky guess. I had my 5,000 oil change done at a dealer (not the one I bought it from) and they recently made an appointment for the 10,000 and called me to confirm it. I was just over 9,000 so I told them I'd call when I was ready.
That is interesting. Where do you take it for oil changes? Maybe somehow the info got back to the dealer? Or it could simply be a good guess.
Its's OK the nice nurse has a "little" shot for you and it will be all better. Do you want to try on this nice white coat?
Yeah, I got the service reminder stating that my Prius recently hit 4300 miles and the 5000 mile service would be due soon. I think I had 4380 on it at the time. I'm suspecting it's just a lucky guess based on a region's average miles driven per year. I've heard the big brother feature exists on some cars, and I know the Prius has a type of "black box" in the event of a crash... but I doubt they bothered to install a talkback device and 1) not tell us and 2) not charge us $$$ for it.
Yea, I'd get those all the time for my Honda's I had. They'd say "Your 20,000 mile checkup is coming up!" while I had 60k miles on it at that point. grin. It's all just structural guessing.
GM Goodwrench sent me a reminder for my Pontiac Sunfire. Their computer estimates how many miles you drive by the frequency of your services at the dealership.