Now that winter is over I was hoping to get some feedback on recommendations for a good winter snow tire. I live in the Albany area of NY and we got hammered this year. What is a good dedicated snow tire for the Prius? If things get horrible out I will just use my Toyota 4 runner. I would like to be able to get back home if the sno started while I was working!!
I've been very pleased with my General Altimax on my 2006 for the last 2 winters. My wife's 2001 had Tire Rack's house brand "Winterforce" made by Firestone for the last 6 winters ( she doesn't drive much ). Both are inexpensive alternatives that work great. I've heard good things about Hankook iPikes too, they're also reasonably priced. Based on a Consumer Reports review, I gambled & put Hankook Optimo 727 allseasons on her 2001 this year. Forgoing the snows for the first time in ages & they worked great. We had a higher than avg. snowfall this winter, over 100". We were both pleasantly surprised, great alternative if you don't want to deal with winter tire swap.
I put Toyo Observe G02s on my 2004 several years ago and they have been great... With my 2010, I opted for Hankook iPike (205/55/16) and had absolutely no issues this winter. Pictures posted here. The difference between the all-seasons and dedicated winter tires is amazing, I would never go a winter in NewEngland with out snows.
Have any of you snow tire owners compared FE between your summer tires and the snows? Preferably on the same gas (obviously the snows will be penalized by driving with "winter" gas for most of their life).
For New York area, I would think any mid-price snow tire will do fine. If you want something better, move to Carolinas!
There is a list of Low Rolling Resistance options here: I want to include the Hankook 727s but I cannot verify they are LRR so I did not include them. They rate pretty high though.
I was reasonably happy with my Continental Extreme WinterContacts. However, given my druthers, I'd rather have the Yokohama IG20s and will probably get said tires when the Contis wear out.