I had my scanguage 2 connected to my honda civic. Will it also connect to the 2011 Prius? Also does anyone have a picture of where is connects to on a 2011? Thanks
The ScanGuage2 works on my Gen2 Prius and will also work on the Gen3 (but fewer known xguages). The connection is under and to the right of the steering column in the Gen2 and probably in a similar location in the Gen3 (just look for it as it is obvious). JeffD
The ScanGauge2 will work on any car with OBDC. The connector is below the steering wheel & remember to change the mode to "hybrid" or it will turn off with the ICE.
Thanks but not very helpful. I have had my scanguage for over 3 years and do not have the instructions anymore...that is why I asked. If anyone can help it would be appreciated! Especially if it is very easy!
You got it, for others searching later, MORE-->SETUP-->FUEL-->TYPE-->Hybrid, and be sure to hit SAVE.
Speaking of Scanguage...what do you guys keep yours display set to monitor? I've gone through different settings, and wound up sticking with FIA, FWT, MPG, and MPH the longest.
I have mine set to monitor Instant MPG, Average MPG for Trip, Average MPG for Tank, and RPM (so I know when the ICE is running and when I'm on pure electric).
Oops, you know what...I have RPMs running instead of MPH. I forgot. Yeah...I like to see when the ICE shuts down. Also like to watch the MPGs shoot up when ICE shuts down. So, it's: MPG (current) RPM FIA FWT
For the Prius, RPM doesn't really have much meaning to me. I prefer displaying HP. I know if the engine is on or off and how much power is coming from the ICE versus how much is being supplied by the battery. This combo works very nice for monitoring a PHEV addon.
This thread was wondering the same thing! =) You might find some more insight hidden in there, too. http://priuschat.com/forums/gen-iii...18-4-gauges-do-you-use-your-scangauge-ii.html