Hi! I'm new to the forum, new to being a Prius owner too I am putting a 2011 Gen III Prius on as cab soon, it will be the first one in our fleet of owner/operators! It's already got them talking We got the paint and decals down, some photos are on my blog at jaxicab.posterous.com Yet we still have a ways to go with installing the necessary gear to make it a Radio Cab. I got a 2 day subscription to Toyota's site, so I could download some info to help our meter guy install the camera, radio, data terminal, top-light and meter. Got a bunch of stuff, but I'm not sure I have exactly what he needs, any advice there would be much appreciated. I see there are many Prius owners as taxis on this forum. Any tips on getting at the power lines, the vehicle speed wire for the meter, and the interior light control wire for the camera? I'm looking forward to getting involved in this forum and sharing my experience with the new #106 Thanks again! Jackson Cafazzo
Hi and welcome. Not sure where the power lines and speed wires are as such but my local taxi electrical engineer guy fitted my gear out no problem. He said once he'd worked out how to disable the hybrid system switch in the trunk it was plain sailing. I think the Prius isn't too much different from any other car other than the hybrid batteries in the trunk. Don't mess with the big orange cables though! Prepare to make massive fuel savings! I'm saving thousands a year here in the UK compared to the plenty of economical diesels cars we have. My customers love the Prius but you'd better get used to explaining how it works!!! (ten times a day! ). Post your pics when you're up and running.
That's the first thing i've ever read that's made me want to be a cabbie! I LOVE talking about hybrids (and PHEVs and EVs and The Hydrogen Lie) and getting paid to do it would be AWESOME!
Congrats on your new Prius and welcome to PriusChat. Best wishes with your taxi business. I'm certain GrumpieCabby will be a great resource for you. Whatever he says, listen up! Be sure to market your Prius taxi. I'm thinking a lot of people will want to ride in one as a precursor to their Prius buying research. Enjoy the high MPGs, technology and low-emissions.
Greetings and Welcome Aboard! :welcome: If I ever find my self needing a ride out there on the left coast....I'll look you up.
Thanks for the replies, everyone! It's great to have such a warm welcome! Anytime you are in Portland, look me up for professional ecological taxi service I'll bring what info I have down to Wade our meter guy today and let you all know how it turns out. GrumpyCabbie: I'm not sure what you mean by disabling the hybrid system switch in the trunk, but I'll tell that to Wade. Searching Toyota's technical documents isn't bringing anything up for me so far. And it's time for work I can't wait for the fuel savings! I've been driving a Crown Victoria for years, it will be MASSIVE. I can ecodrive my Vic and barely eek 18mpg out as a taxi...every time I fill up the Prius I'll :rockon: Hope it is done soon! And it's finally sunny in Portland! Can't wait to get outside Jackson
There's a switch or level on the HV battery in the rear that needs turning or taking out (not sure how as I never did it) to disable the hybrid system whilst your meter guy messes around with things. He'll probably want to disconnect the 12v too. Other members on here will hopefully confirm. Couple extra advice - He needs to press the brake pedel when he puts the car into Ready mode otherwise he'll just put it in Acc mode - my meter guy spent half an hour trying to work that one out lol Don't jump start another car with the Prius and if you need to jump the Prius don't rev the other vehicle, make 110% sure you have the terminals the right way round and be very very careful. The Prius is also very susceptible to having the correct tyre/tire pressures - even 1 or 2 psi too low can destroy your mpg's. Some drivers on here have them 1 or 2 or even 5 psi higher than recommended but that is your risk. Also, low rolling resistance tyres are standard fit and fitting anything other will also knock 10% off your mpg's. Hope you enjoy your new ride.
Congrats and :welcome:! Looking forward to hearing your experiences as a Prius taxi driver! We do have a number around here (from Canada, the UK and Greece to name a few)
I live in Victoria, BC and most of the cabs here are Prii, or Camry Hybrids. If you cannot find info from PriusChat members you could give "Yellow Cab of Victoria" a call and I'm sure they would be able to steer you to someone who can help you. I won't put their toll free number up here but if you send me a PM I'll be glad to forward it to you.
And Ireland! Don't forget halpos4 from Dublin. Despite having a small issue with my Prius at the moment I expect to resolve it and carry on making savings. The car is still running and still earning me money so not a big issue. Jackson, you might want to check the following link which should put your mind at rest regarding reliability; CTV British Columbia - Hybrids prove very reliable - CTV News A million km is about 700,000 miles
I'm on day 3 in the new cab. It is amazing! Feels like it was built for taxi service. I've gotten compliments from nearly every passenger, and almost as many from random passersby. It very fulfilling Thank you Toyota for making a great car, and thank you again for the great welcome, forum.
Visit my blog at jaxicab.posterous.com for a few photos of the new cab Sorry, I haven't posted enough to post a link. We just shot some video and a few higher-quality stills, I will notify the forum when I upload those as they come in
BTW that orange switch gave us a scare, got the "check hybrid system" warning, but this forum saved the day. Hooray
Looking good I bet the other guys are sick driving their gas guzzlers when you're zooming round in your Prius. I wonder how many will have changed to a Prius by this time next year? Oh and had a look at your blog. You've pretty much got your stuff in exactly the same place I have mine. Meter in the middle, computer on the left (or the right on mine). Talking of LHD and RHD models; it was strange to see a close up of a LHD Prius. It was almost a complete mirror image yet not. Where'd you keep your cash box? Mine clips on nicely onto the ledge below the shifter next to my leg. It's almost as if the Prius was made for the job.
Yeah, where is your cash box ? My daughter goes to school in Portland. I'll mention to her that a Prius taxi is prowling the streets.
Congratulations on your prius and your business! I for one am one of the "passengers" who rode in a prius taxi and was extremely impressed by the ride, comfort and room. So impressed that I bought one! (There is a taxi company in Fort Lee, N.J. with 2-3 Prius.) When I first saw the Prius in a car lot it appeared very small from the outside. I thought to myself, I could never feel comfortable in that! After taking the ride in the Prius taxi, the room inside was suprisingly more than enough to be comfortable and then some. It's deceptive actually. This past weekend I drove down to the beach and averaged 55 m.p.g. and am now not stressed by the high cost of fuel! Again I am suprised all taxi companies are not driving Prius taxis!
Thanks for posting those for me, USBSeaWolf2000! I love the look of it. The new sharper line gets good attention from the checkers GrumpyCabbie, I have owners asking to lease the car just so they can try it out Not to mention every lease driver begging too Our radio and dead-reckoning unit fits nicely in the area under the console, a cash box wouldn't be a bad idea. Usually I deposit in an ATM if I need to SageBrush, soon I'll be running Cabulous more often when I drive, showing me on a map where you can see where I am and hail me. I'm planning on adding a page on my blog, like my friend Chris Harley, that shows the map. I'll make a post on the day I get it set up