That's an outrageous cost. You can purchase a Curt hitch for ~$130 and it is a COMPLETE bolt-on that requires a little underpanel trimming. Use some Loc-tite and torque it to spec. At MOST it should only take 30 minutes if the mechanic knows what he is doing.
Huh? I bought the curt hitch for $100 or maybe a little more, and then had a tire shop install it for me for $50. I could of just done it myself for free if I had gone to buy a socket extender. They tell you to use a torque wrench, but I doubt it is really necessary. This is a very easy install no matter whose hitch you use. You unthread 2 bolts and then thread 4 bolts.
I spent about $125 on my hitch (well, I spent 185, but you can buy them for much less now), and installed it myself in half an hour.
Anybody else ? Kuat NV or Sherpa vs Saris Thelma vs 1UP ..... ? I only carry 1 Bike most of the time so a 1-Bike Carrier is ideal. Maybe fabricate something like the Thelma, and cut off the Arms and add my Thule Echelon roof rack slide ( see Pics below ) ? Needs to be smallish ... we dont want huge Rack sticking out the back. Using mostly on Dad's 1993 Corvette, and sometimes on the Prius.
Thanks Anthony .... I was gonna buy the 1UP but prefer a Fork Mounted Hitch Rack. I like the idea of removing the front wheel. Owning a Corvette, I want as less as possible hanging off the back. Why? Weight, aero-dynamics, and I think a Fork Mounted Rack will compliment a low sitting sports car like the Corvette. I already have two Thule Echelon rails used on my Thule roof racks ( Prius application ). That said, I am trying to rig up a way to apply my existing Echeleon bike trays to the rear. Please see imagesposted above. Ideally, if I had the 1UP hitch bracket then modified two arms shooting out to mount my Thule Echelon trays ( see above image ) - that would be perfect. I think the 1UP does not look good on a sports car. I'm surprised one of the higher end Bike Rack manufacturers ( Kuat / 1UP / Saris ) won't sell a special Hitch Mount Bike Rack for Sports Cars like Corvettes, Camaros, Mustangs, Ferraris, etc. Any ideas ? ---- Thanks
Most of the high-end manufactures don't produce fork mounted hitches due to the lack of demand. I ride both a full-suspension and road bike equally and I enjoy not having to remove the front wheel on the mtb since it's a pain to always having to adjust the disc brake. Most people hauling a road bike don't have a problem tossing it into the trunk or a fork mount on a roof rack since road bikes are typically very light. The 1UP is so compact that you can probably easily store it in the back of your vette when not in use. I wouldn't care what it looks like while in use since a hitch on a vette is a taboo anyways.
It doesn't appear that Hollywood makes that type of rack any longer. I definitely see some advantages with having the front wheel off. One worry with carriers that hold the front tire, is if the tire goes flat, you're in for some excitement - clamping the fork takes that risk away.
This thread just cost me some $$$ Bought the 1up in black/hitch/wiring kit. The wiring kit is "just in case" I want to install some external lights when the bikes are loaded into the rack. Read some complaints about not being able to see the tail lights/license plate very well when loaded with more than one bike. (and yes, I bought the extra add-on to carry another bike). Man, 1up is very proud of them. But, it seem like everyone who has one says they are the best. I did a google search, read up on the reviews, and how easy they are to load/unload, so I feel that this one will fit my needs the best. Another thing I like about 1up, is the guarantee on the website. It says (copy/paste): If you don't think this is the best rack available you can return it for a full refund including all shipping cost. That's pretty strong.
That IS pretty strong words! I'm still curious about the unloading. Seems like you have to keep a hand on the bike while you lower the braces. Maybe it is less of a problem than it appears in the vids. STill one of my favorite aspects of the Thelma unit - you park the bike on the rack and it stays there firmly while you strap the wheels down... and stays while you UNstrap the wheels. So you always have both hands free to do the tasks - and never worry about the bike falling.
Ok, just received the 1up bike rack today (for 2 bikes). I just finished mounting the rack together, and installing it on my Prius. I also put my two bikes in the rack and went for a drive. So this is my mini-review: To start, the boxes the two parts were shipped in were so "heavy duty" I have to comment on those, and first impressions on opening up the boxes and getting the rack out can be summed up in one word, "Professional". Once installed on the car, I think it took all of 10 seconds to load both bikes and be ready to go. The good news is, it takes the same amount of time to unload them too. Very impressed. I must say, I had the same concern about unloading the bikes as darelldd did after watching the YouTube video. It looks like you need to balance the bike with one hand as you unload it, but the guy in the video unloaded the bike incorrectly. After having the 1up bike rack in my possession and trying this myself, the easy way to unload the bike is completely open one side, leaving the other side alone, and grab the bike and give a small tug to pull the bike out of the rack. Simple. And it works like a charm. I can say this, I am very pleased, and will not be requesting my money back. The build quality is outstanding. It is, in my opinion, the best bike rack I have seen.
back in 05 i bought a trailer hitch that was made to fit the prius...very easy to attach...the hitch aligned with the existing bolts under the back of the car...still use today with my back rack...and best of all nothing touches the car...never been a fan of the trunk type bike carriers...
I have a KUAT NV with the 2 bike add on that I use on my Excursion and love it. A bit pricey, but well built and easy to use. I would take off the +2 to use on a Prius though.
Just passing through and thought I'd show my set up for my bikes. BTW, I can, and have, carried my MTB's, Road bikes, Recumbent bike, and BMX bikes with this rack... pretty sweet! And... I finally figured out what that shelf on the back of the car is for! LOL This is the 1UpUSA rack mentioned previously here. I have two tracks which cost me just under $500. I priced all the other racks I could find and this one fit my needs and desires perfectly. It makes for a handy bikewash rack as well
Used my 1UP for the first time today since I replaced my Kuat Sherpa with it. The 1UP is definitely worth the money...IMO, much better than the Kuat Sherpa.
Just wondering if you have gotten much use out of the 1up? I just got a 2012 three, and I am installing a receiver hitch this week - I am considering the 1up or the kuat beta. The kuat beta hangs the bikes from the top tube, but only weighs about 11 pounds and takes a couple minutes to put on. If I go the 1up route - I will probably leave it on most of the riding season, unless I am going on longer trip without the bike. I do think the 1up looks sweet - I have a silver prius as well. How does the 1 up do (or do you think it will do) with a road bike with 23mm tires. Thanks.