Gas prices are going up and inventory on Prii are low. Would you consider selling your Gen III if you can make a profit out of it (e.g. pay off car and nice chunk of change for another car)?
I suppose I could trade my 2010 for a 2011; but is there any advantage to that what with the short supply?
If I could sell the Blue Guac and get enough money to pay off the loan (which has the balance of a previous car on the note), I would consider it. But then, I would want to go out and buy another Prius. So, unless someone is willing to pay me a boatload of $$$, I'm perfectly happy with my car.
It would be interesting if the Prius C came out, the Prius turned out to be worth more than its original purchase price, and current owners decided the C would be a better idea for them. You could swap cars for something you like better without taking much or any loss on the trade in.
I'm not sure there's really any profit to be made, unless you decided not to replace the Prius you sold and walked or cycled everywhere you go! There's not another car currently "available" that gets the gas mileage of the Prius. Selling it for another less economical vehicle would most likely cost you more in the long run.
Sell my Prius and buy what? Once you go Prius, you could never go back (Well, at least until there are better alternatives)
I had a buyer lined up for my 2010 3 weeks ago for more than what I paid for it minus taxes and fees. I was on the hunt for a Lexus CT 200h. But, buying the CT at MSRP didn't seem appealing to me and they were hard to find. In the end I am glad I kept my Prius and still get that happy feeling seeing it afar and walking up to it.
Only if I could get enough to make a decent dent towads the purchase of a PHEV when they become available in MN. Yes, I live in a fantasy world.
No. I will run that sucker into the ground. Hopefully I will be in the ground before it. It is to ballance my fuel costs against the truck and sports cars. But, I would not turn down a retail offer.
I bought my 2010 II for $21,300 in Feb. Last week I KBB'd the value of my ride including the 3k miles, upgraded tint, dvd, navigation, & CD/mp3 player. Its value was listed at $28,000. Any takers?
Buy 2 or 3 more now, wait until gas really explodes, then sell them for a hefty profit and pay off your original Prius that you get to keep. Win win for you.
The idea of trying to sell at a profit is ludicrous. All of the time and anxiety you spent trying to find and buy your perfect car, and for what, $500? Ok, $1000? There are better ways to make quick money.
Oh yeah I guess that's why the Bay Area is selling 2011 IIs for $24k. New 2010 & 2011 Toyota Camry, Prius, Corolla, RAV4 or Venza For Sale in Sunnyvale & the Bay Area By the way modifications usually lower the value of the car. I believe KBB values reflect OEM upgrades. No doubt prices and values have gone up, but to seek short term profit in cars as common as the Prius is shoddy economics.
Read "Why your world is about to get a whole lot smaller" by Jeff Rubin, leading economist for CBIC Canadian investment for last twenty years. Jeff is predicting $7 per gallon gas. It makes a lot of sense, supply and increasing demand. I'm sure glad I goy my Prius when I did.
I just thought it might be worth while to purchase another car (not that I don't like the Prius). And seeing ads for the Prius marked way up just got me thinking.