Every Prius owner that I have ever stopped to talk to about their cars have always been generous with their time and very happy to talk to me about the Prius and how much they love it. But this really takes the cake -- an acquaintance of mine who owns a Prius just offered to swap cars with me for a few days so I can really "get to know the car and have some fun with it". Wow Indeed.
Actually, everyone I know with any kind of hybrid loves their car and will talk your ear off about it. I get my Prius in January but I don't think I'm going to be nice enough to loan it to anyone for at least a few months.
My wife and I are very nice with people who are curious and interested, and have even made a few friends along that road..... But we're not THAT nice!!! :lol:
I think one of the reasons is the fact that a person who spent time investigating a hybrid car or just anything a bit different than conventional, will be more passionate about that thing than any average person who just wants to drive to get from point A to point B. Of course, there are some people who just bought a hybrid because they've heard they will save money, but more likely you will find someone who simply has some kind of passion for this kind of technology, someone who really thought out their decision of buying a one, and someone who is intersted in the car no just for the saving factor but for numerous other reasons. Therefore they will more likely be happy to talk to you about it. If I have someone asking me about my car and I can tell they are genuinely interested in the car, the technology and other factors, I am very nice to them also and can talk and talk for hours, but if I get someone who comes up to me and asks me so how much does it cost you refuel, how much do you get per gallon or how do you drive it, I just I tell them that it's like any other car and there are many other reason for having a car like that othern than fuel economy. That's all.
When I first started researching the Prius, I was just interested in the gas savings, and the great MPG. As I did more and more research, (about a month and a half) I started appreciating all of the other aspects of owning one of these unique vehicles. ie: less dependance on OPEC, less pollution, unique body style, really cool technology, etc. I also will talk about it forever if someone who is really interested starts asking questions. I am proud that I own this car and reflect that pride when others are cerious about it. I have not named it yet, but only because I haven't come up with a suitable name.
I'm totally fanatical about hybrid technology and its potential. After buying my second Prius, an '02, I wrote a letter to the editor of the local newspaper (city of 90K population). After extolling the virtues of hybrids, I offered ANYONE who wanted to know more about the Prius, but who didn't want to go to a dealer, to contact me (gave my e-mail address) and I'd take it to them and let them drive it. When a woman in Oakland, 60 miles away, posted that she'd bought a Prius sight unseen, and was itching to get it, I e-mailed and offered to drive there so she could drive mine. Nice? Not really. Just trying to spread the word and share the enthusiasm ("passion" is too much of a cliche these days). I'm semi-retired and could do these things. If I was looking for excuses to drive my gorgeous blue moon baby anyway, why not? But, generally speaking, you're right. Many of us buy these cars for reasons that may differ from reasons why folks buy Hummers.
If someone asks me about it, I'll tell them how much I like it. I'll be sure to include the fuel mileage and quiet cruising as perks. I'll even downplay the shortcomings in power (compared to the HD trucks that are so popular in AK). No WAY I'll let someone borrow it, though.....
No problem here. My wife is such a technophobe she doesn't even want to try to drive it. She knows how to operate the volume and that's about it.