This morning I saw a white gen. 2 Prius nose first into a rear corner of a Star Waggon movie trailer near a movie shoot in Hollywierd. The front end was pushed in all the way to the windshield. I didn't see it happen but just drove by slowly to check it out. I need to get a small cam in my car. I can only guess the driver was drunk as so many are every night and early morning when they leave the bars and night clubs. I don't know the extent of injuries but it looked like it was survivable for driver and passenger. Then a few minutes later on the freeway home, another accident. This keeps me going at 1 or 2 MPH untill I have 2 pink bars and the ICE kicks on and off every 2 seconds. I hate when that happens. Now this accident had fatalities for sure. One of the cars was strapped down on a flat bed and looked like when you stand a can upright and step down to crush it into nothing. I bet the driver is still in the car. How could they get someone out of that? It just blows my mind that everyone drives so fast when it rains. Even when I got past this mess cars started flying by me like they were doing 80. Even though it's no longer raining the ground is still wet people! The scary part of the year has begun.
In a couple of weeks after the initial rush where all the stupid drivers get cleared off the roads (as well as the built-up of summer oil on the roads), and people figure out how to drive again it'll be less scary.
The scary part of the year has begun. [snapback]153450[/snapback][/quote] You got that right. Here in CA many call it the rainy season (95% of measureable rainfall Dec.-Mar.). But from now until the Super Bowl, it's Killing By Car Accident season. Be careful out there, as the Hill Street lieutenant used to say. After that it's BASEBALL SEASON. B)
It blows MY mind the way all of these damned LA transplants slow to 45 on the freeway because it's raining! We have maybe 3 days/year when rain really makes the roads slick here (after lengthy dry spells).
That makes one of us. It's just tough to watch my beloved state turn into smog and traffic jams before my eyes.
I see by your profile that you are a stateless person, of no determinate location, just smog and traffic jams.
Whatever! Actually I mean "Wherever!" Place your location in your profile and your posts will make more sense . . . maybe.
I guess timing is everything . . . Or quite unreliable. :blink: Check out the times on both Bill’s and my quotes of Zacher . . . same quote, different times. I checked just seconds before I posted and Bill’s post wasn’t there. I could have sworn that Portland, OR was in the Pacific Time Zone . . . Biiiiiilllllllllll???? What ya doing to the Space Time Continuum???
Jeez, Bill of all people should know where I'm from... (Ok, ok, I'll fix my profile- man, it SAYS I'm a rookie you know