Wasn't sure if it should go here or under other cars... Report: BMW hires Frank Weber, former lead engineer for the Chevy Volt — Autoblog Green
This means BMW believes Weber has done well in the Volt. Dude looks like a sharp guy, did you notice the size of his head !
Bob Kruse - Executive director of vehicle engineering for hybrids, electric vehicles and batteries, left in Sept 2009 Frank Weber - Left to Opel back in Nov 2009. Now he now joins BMW Denise Gray - Director of battery engineering left in Feb 2010 Bob Lutz - He "retired" many times a long time ago (lost track) Lyle Dennis - Founder of GM-VOLT site (used to be the biggest fan) called quit after completing three months Customer Advisory Board trial, sold the site and quietly disappeared. Did I miss anyone?
Your list of "most of the key engineers" is 3 engineers who left more than a year ago, a vice chairman (not an engineer) and a neurologist who owned a web site? Really? I thought you had some interesting information to share. I'm going to stick my neck waaaaaay out here but based on my experience, the "key engineers" are people neither of us have ever heard of. We would have no idea if they left.