I'm getting new Goodyear Assurance fuel max tires installed tomorrow. The cheapest I was able to find was the Goodyear retailer and it is $544 OTD. I decided to go with the 195 65 15 instead of the 185's due to the feedback here. Anyhow, they will throw in lifetime rotation and balancing for another $30. Is this worth it? One other question for people who have these tires. I've read some reviews on-line where people say the tires are loud. Can anyone comment on that?
You will like them. Press them to 51 lbs. for break in. They coast like you won't believe! I'm liking mine a bunch. Hal
Tire Rack has the 185/65/15 for $87/ea. The 195s go for $93/ea. Not sure what shipping is to you. I usually pay $36. Mount and balance could cost $60-$80.
After mounting and balancing, the cost is almost the same. The only difference is the tax. Don't forget, I got the 195's, which were about $40 more than the 185's.
Yup, $24 at tirerack.com. I was not trying to say you got a bum deal. I was just showing you what they go for at a place known for good deals.
It's my local place. They charge about $27 to mount and balance. I tried every which way and the Goodyear place kept coming back the cheapest. Sucks but hopefully I'll be happy tomorrow night!
Got my Goodyear Viva Authority Fuel Max Tire P185/65R15 at Wal-mart, they have went up since I bought mine. I payed $89 each.. Car Tires by Make, Model, and Size - Walmart.com
Just had the Nokian Entyre 195/65r15 X4 installed on my 04 and took a 300mi road trip today. EXCELLENT! Much quieter and much less road jarring transmitted to driver. 42/40 psi. Will have to wait until next tank for MPG comparison. So far VERY HAPPY! $436 otd.
Please keep us posted. These seem like really great tires but not many people have them. I'm putting together a list of LRR tires as a reference for PC members and have these on my list. I'd assume he wants to get a more accurate measurement by comparing a few tankfuls?
Just curious. Are 195s better for some reason? Well, what th'...? Tire Rack here states that, unlike the 195/60R15s the 185/65R15s are *not* LRR: http://www.tirerack.com/tires/tires.jsp?tireMake=Goodyear&tireModel=Assurance+Fuel+Max (see the "Sizes & Pricing" tab) Also, the exact tire they tested in 2009 ("86T", http://www.tirerack.com/tires/tests...16HR6EP100&tirePageLocQty=&partnum=16HR6EP100 ) is not now on their price list. I guess I'll be buying 195s next time also.
They are a little wider so it's slightly better handling. I've had them for one day and I put 10 miles on them. At this point, I can't say I notice any specific difference yet.
Make sure you increase the PSI for better performance. Goodyear would probably not pump more then recommended PSI i.e 35 33. I tried 49 47 and 45 43 on my 195/65/15 GY nice person. Fuelmax, have about 4K miles on these tires and like the 45 43 better in South California. If you do recommended service at toyota delaer then they include the tire rotation in that as well. So if you are going to get the rotation for free at GY then ask Toyota to not do that and lower the price of service. Happy driving taller and wider tires