I took my Prius to a Waterway(an automatic car wash that drives the car on rollers while in neutral). The first time they said that they need a person to ride in the car since it is against their rules to have a car turned on in the wash., They said that the Prius will not roll in neutral if it is turned off and will put itself into park. Today I went for a wash and it went in the wash without a rider. I questioned the manager and he said some people know how to put the Prius in neutral without it being in the ready mode. When it was going through the wash I saw the triangle light and the stability control light illuminated but the wheels were rolling. He said all you have to do is hit the power button 2 times without pressing on the brake. I tried this but it would not work for me Anyone know anything about this? I confused!
To get into neutral and stay in neutral - slip the flipper straight left (To N) - and hold it there for one second.
All of our automatic washes are drive-thru (there are no tracks) so the driver is always in control. With touchless ones, the car wash unit moves forward/back and around the car. I don't think I've ever seen one with a track.
I just bought microfiber washing mit today. So I'm confused about how my car went through the wash without a rider now.