I found this on this web site: http://www.eautoworks.com/html/ORD-1-1-1-30164.cfm Is anyone familiar with this?... looks like a gimic to me?... Maybe just a capacitor? Does anyone know? Opps..I just realized this should have been put in performance mods sections.. sorry...
I think that this is what we used to call a “go faster†i.e. an untested gimmick to improve a) mileage B) performance c) your love life d) cure the dropsy e) all of the above. My favorite was high performance door handles! All the 12 volt system needs to do is power up the computers. One wonders if it is a fancy voltage regulator?
More likely a $0.12 capacitor. Totally worthless junk IMHO. Doing what they describe to the battery would not have any affect on the performance, especially in the Prius since the 12v battery is isolated from the HV system by an inverter and the HV system is isolated from the ICE by another inverter and buffered in between by the 200v HV battery. P.S. You did put this in the right place - since it's only an appearance mod (flashing LED)
NOpe.. it is in the wrong place.. but once you place a thread you can't delete it that I could see.. I put a notation at the bottom of my first comment acknoledging the wrong placement.