You are exactly correct. In fact, any rating less than "above average" during the latest year listed(2010 in the current magazine) results in nothing higher than "average "for expected reliability. Next year, the 2010 could be rated higher for expected reliability and probably will.
This past week in the Transportation section of the Chicago Tribune did a review of a 2002 Pius. they noted that the shocks and brakes performed the same as they did when the car was new. It now had 209,000 miles on it. The author got 40.4 mpg on his drive with it. Take any other car with 209,000 miles on it and there would be no comparison.
Thats really not true. You might not get 40.4 MPG, but there are a lot of well made cars out there that with good maintenance operate as-new with 200k miles.
WHAT?!?! Brakes last 200k?!?! I generally only get 60k out of a set of brakes. If this is true, it's awesome. Not that I doubt it, what with the regenerative braking system. If I understand correctly, the way that I normally use brakes, by anticipating stops, I may NEVER wear out my brakes.
Glad I found this thread (I was going to post a new one but like a good forum member did a search). For the past few months when I visit my local Barnes and Noble I'll pick up the two or three CR car issues on the stands and look at the 2010 Prius reliability ratings. It kills me to see that black circle for brakes when I know it's misleading. I also hate that CR commentary says the Prius has dropped to average reliability. They must know the only thing dragging down the Prius ratings was the brake recall; I wish they would be more assertive in setting the record straight.