Forum Complex? I'm 30 years old, and have been a member of various forums to include Honda, Nissan, BMW, Video editing, photography. Not showing off or being arrogant, but why in the world are people in forums such A*S h*les sometimes?? it seems like I see the same BS and the same type of personalities in about every site. Now...I am open to learn and develope but here is what I see 1. When someone starts a topic and lets say it has been adressed before, another member "senior" will come by and say something stupid like " this has been covered before, how about doing a search next time"....seriosly???? am I not aware of something like too much info being on this site, therefore making it slower??? 2. "senior" members like to talk down to members and when someone responds to that....other "buddies" come and swarm that person 3. and da 1 dat drives me crazy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! are the members who act as if they had a Masters degree in the Art of the english language!! I understand we are on digital means of communication but cmon!!! who cares if your punctuation is wrong at times!!!!!!!!! 4. last but not some....not all..moderators or senior members get pissed at a topic like this and start referencing the site rules and start making "balsy" comments to try to bully the original poster. anyways forums are very helpful and available in every subject and I appreciate them!!!!:focus:
Re: Forum Complex? Well, it does not seem to apply to you..but... I have a pet peeve about posters who comment on someone else's "intellegence" when they can't spell the word. "Your" instead of "you're" ticks me off. That said, PriusChat is a helluva lot better than most forums.
In general, no one has found a way to give negative feedback to being an idiot on the internet. They just move on.
Re: Forum Complex? There's a thread about this. Did you consider performing a search before you posted this? Well if you don't like the way we run things you can leave before we ban your @ss. Yours was the first post. What, exactly, are we getting back to? OK, now for real. Everything I wrote above was in jest. I hope you picked up on that. :welcome:Welcome to Priuschat, Vic, where intelligent wit and the occasional sarcasm lives strong. I've been to other forums and was immediately turned off by examples of almost everything you mentioned. I know that not all the members agree with our goals, we try to make sure Priuschat remains a place for intelligent discussion about the Prius and other advanced technology vehicles. My mother-in-law is a member and Prius owner which means that I personally want to make sure Priuschat remains a place that even my mother would want to visit. For this reason, the ganging up and the personal attacks get squashed relatively quickly. As for the spelling Nazis, well, I make typos all the time myself. So I'm not really one to critique. But there is something to be said for representing oneself in a respectable manner and sometimes the message - important as it is - becomes difficult to take seriously when it's presented in a poorly worded and constructed way. In the end, I hope you stick around Priuschat and see how it fits. Hopefully, you'll come to find that it's a relatively laid-back place with pretty intelligent friendly people.
Re: Forum Complex? I've always wondered why a n00b thinks he can walk into a forum and start telling the admin/moderators how to run things? Typically the admin has put thousands of dollars, plus the mods have put thousands of hours into getting the site active, yet someone that just joined that has not invested any time or money is entitled to tell them what to do? A couple of forums I invested thousands of posts each would not listen to me....I must be doing something wrong. casualvic, please tell me your secret to making a dozen posts and having the power to make Danny do anything you say? Once you tell me, I'd like to go back to the two site I wasted my time at that unlike PC truly suck and change everything at those places.
Re: Forum Complex? You should have put a comma between "intelligent" and "friendly" Just an FYI from your friendly, neighborhood grammar nazi :wave:
Re: Forum Complex? I don't know. Why don't you read your post and then ask yourself? Why do we suggest people should search first? Because it wastes everyone's time to repeatedly answer the same questions. We don't get paid for this. Most of the members of this forum are very friendly and helpful. Questions are cheerfully answered. Only when someone comes on and makes a post like yours do you see negative replies. You reap what you sow. Yes, that's not good. It's human nature, but it's not nice. On the other hand, most poster that find themselves in the cross-hairs have asked for it. I, for one, care. English is my form of communication. I understand that some are better with it than others, but many just don't care. It's those for which I have no respect. If you fall into that category, then shame on you. Don't pretend that your shortcoming is someone else's problem. I haven't seen much of this on PriusChat. If you have run afoul the site rules in only eleven posts, that says more about you than it does about the moderators. This is a good group of people. You have to try pretty hard to get on the wrong side of them. Tom
This site is pretty tame - actually boring most of the time. The anonymity factor does reveal the worst in some people; that's just a fact of life. Not everyone chooses to be happy and helpful.
Perhaps posting that you've "downgraded" to a Prius in a previous thread... You must not have been around when the bmw boys were trolling. Are you going to join our Blizzard Brigade?
Re: Forum Complex? Vic, If you spend any time here you will find some really smart posters....I mean really smart. However, their incentive to respond to non-challenging posts is minimal. You have to draw them out with the smart, hard questions. Try that! Go all out with a really hard question and see what happens.
Re: Forum Complex? Indeed i can see there are many experienced members and cant wait to learn the power of the Prius
This is my first forum participation and the name says it all: It's Prius and its Chat. Geez, I can't even argue get along with myself sometimes, let alone communicate across 5,000 other PriusChatter lines. Here's an avatar of a previous PriusChat member thought to be a forum trouble-maker whose thread was titled, "Can't we all just get along?".