Just bought certified preowned 2009 Prius from dealer. Never had one before. I did test drive it for 20 minutes before purchase. But on the way home from buying it today I noticed a constant and subtle "stammer," on the freeway at speeds between 50 and 80 mph, like as if the car was very slightly and frequently shifting in speed even though the accelerator was in a constant spot and the road was flat. I watched as the display constantly shifted, like many many times per minute, where and how power was being generated/used. I am worried I bought a lemon (maybe just buyer's remorse or anxiety). Is this a common Prius driving experience (the subtle stammer not the anxiety)?
I don't feel any shifting or stammering at any driving speed. I would offer to test drive it for you since I live in Davis but I'll be sick until next Tuesday. If you still need help by then I would be happy to help you.
I don't notice any stammer when on the freeway w/my foot on the accelerator. I don't watch the arrows too closely while on the highway w/o cruise control. If you do use CC on the highway, you will notice a fair amount of what looks like back and forth activity/changes of the arrows on the MFD. It's normal. It's been like that since day 1 for me. I bought my 06 new in the middle of 1/06.
Keep in mind your roads are not flat. Even a slight change in elevation at those speeds means to maintain constant speed you need more or less power. It is more noticeable in a Prius with the way it tries to manage. What did your battery bar look like? I would not worry about it at all. Sounds like you are just being a little scared by the new tech and it is understandable. Give yourself some time to adjust and for it to train you.
You *felt* this? or were you seeing it on the display? Try turning off the display and see whether the "stammer" goes away.
Thanks for the great responses. Richard, it is felt regardless of the display. Having my local mechanic take a look an do his own eval, as it is certified, I am hoping if he finds anything I can then bring it to the local Toyota dealer and have things put right.
Congrats on your Prius kwick! If it's more of a light pulsing rather than a rapid stammering, I think I know what you're feeling. I think as long time Prius drivers we don't notice that subtle pulsing anymore because we're used to it, or our right foot has become so highly developed & steady that it doesn't pulse for us . When I take people for test drives in a Gen 2 many comment on it, especially on the highway. Gen 3s I haven't gotten many comments at all. My theory is that MG2 drivechain system has some slack in it that may be felt, compared to the changed setup in Gen3. Hope that helps ease your mind. :welcome:
Marzprius, thanks a bunch, that is very comforting, puts it in perspective, not entirely in my head and not a problem to be concerned about. Nice to know I am not having car hypocondriasis.
I'm doing fairly well with my treatment today so Tuesday will work for me if you still want a test drive.
Sounds like a definite problem. I have a 2009 and never felt any stammering between 50-80mph, ever, so I would go back to the place you bought it and tell them.
Re: The Velvet Stammer Please let me very clear, I'm NOT saying Marzprius is wrong. But I am saying the only way you'll really know if it's not a problem or a "difference" would be to compare it to a similar Prius...or have perhaps another Prius owner could drive yours and immediately tell you if it's "normal". But from written description? It's almost impossible to evaluate exactly what you are experiencing. One mans pulse, is another mans stammer, is another mans shudder...you get the picture? Since your vehicle is certified and you have a warranty, I'd investigate to your own satisfaction. If it is a problem you obviously want it adressed while under warranty..
A lot of people see the energy monitor constantly pulsing one way and then the other and think something must be wrong, but in reality it's normal. I don't feel any pulsing of speed or torque though, so OP might have something different going on.