My 2005 Prius was acting weird tonight. I parked it in my garage, and turned it off as normal. It usually makes some funny noise when it shuts off that sounds like the engine is shutting down, not sure how to describe it. The noises it made tonight were not the typical shut down noise. It was more of a knocking. When I pressed the brake the knocking noise stopped for a few seconds, then would start again while I still had my foot on the break. Then when I took my foot off the break it would start the knocking again. I tried starting the car and shutting it off again, which in hind site may not have been the best idea but I wanted to make sure it was off. I got out of the car after putting on the break a few times, popped the hood and took video of it so I could post on here so you could hear the noise and hopefully help me diagnose it I am not allowed to post the whole link to my youtube video but if you type the youtube address followed by: watch?v=4OIEXoBHX7I you can hear the noise. Thanks for your help Crystal
It's brake, not break. The audio isn't great. The sounds I hear from 0:07 to 0:22 and 0:32 to to 0:42 sound like the ICE (internal combustion engine) running. If it's is running, you should be able to see pulleys and at least 1 belt turning closer to the passenger side. Are you sure the car is off? Are all the lights on the dash (including speedo) and climate control all off? Do you have the smartkey system? Regardless of whether you do or not, if you insert the key into the slot, power on w/foot on the brake (wait for the ready light), then power off and physically remove the key, does this noise still happen? I don't want to throw you for a tangent, but if you have a bad combination meter (the display that includes the speedo and gas gauge), it will be blank but other stuff will be on and a push + hold of power is needed to power down. See
Hey, Crystal, I tried to find your YouTube video typing the extra characters you gave, but I got a message it was no longer available. So I typed "2005 Prius engine noises when off" figuring you used the same title as here, but nothing came up again. Then as I took a closer look, I discovered the last character you gave was a capital "I" and NOT a numeral "1" as I had originally thought & typed. When I re-typed using the capital"I", the video popped up & started to play. And guess what? It had the exact same title that I had tried in the search block with no luck. Go figure !! I think the noise you are hearing is the brake accumulator pump. You may sometimes hear it when you put your foot on the brake pedal to start the Prius. Most times it can be heard a couple of hours after shutdown (if you're still nearby your car) as it tries to bring your brake pressure back up. Maybe what's happening is you have an air leak somewhere that is allowing the break pressure to prematurely bleed off, causing your pump to continue cycling to try to maintain that air pressure. This pump takes the place of the vacuum booster that is in most other cars for power brake assist. That's what I think the noise is, but I could be wrong. Let's see what others say. Ken (in Bolton,Ct)
Need to know where it is coming from to know what is causing it. You say from the "hybrid engine part"... Well do you mean the inverter (the shiny silver box on the driver side) or the actual engine (the thing on the passenger side). You say the car is "in park" and you pressed the power button. Is it really 100% off, meaning no lights on the dash. If you have your headlights on, and the car on, then power off and open the driver door, do your headlights turn off as well or remain on? Is there a series of beeps as you close the door after exiting? Can you lock the vehicle once it is off, or do you get a long continuous beep? It is more than likely the coolant thermos and it just got noisier as it does, or the brake (not break) actuator. This makes a sound similar to what was in the video but just to prime the pressure. It almost sounds like it is continuously priming the brakes. Really need better quality audio or at least a determination of the general area the sound is coming from. Use a piece of paper, roll it into a cone shape, and put it over your ear. Plug the other ear. Move it and your head over and around the engine until you find out where the noise is coming from.
^^ Concur w/the questions. The coolant heat storage (aka CHS aka thermos) pump doesn't sound at all like that when it's working normal nor when it's squealing (as mine did, eventually, before replacement via TSB). A tag car w/my car that I believe refers to the CHS pump: I have heard the noise described by the tag that came w/my car that reads: However, I recall that it's a long continuous sound and not on/off like the above. In the OP's video, if it's not the ICE, it could be the above, but again, shouldn't be on/off.
Well if the car is off, there are only a few things that can come "on". If there is something defective, it could be starting, failing, waiting, retrying constantly. So continuous noise might not happen as it would under normal situations.
I think it is the pump filling the thermos bottle. Did you have the newer pump installed for the recall . Hal
Ok to answer a few questions. Are you sure the car is off? Yes the car was off. I've had this car for 4 years and shut it down the same way I always have. Are all the lights on the dash (including speedo) and climate control all off? Yes Do you have the smartkey system? Yes, which I decided to shut down because it was acting funny and I thought that may help. Regardless of whether you do or not, if you insert the key into the slot, power on w/foot on the brake (wait for the ready light), then power off and physically remove the key, does this noise still happen? When I started my car to go to work this morning it was fine and it did not do the same thing as it did yesterday when I shut it off. Need to know where it is coming from to know what is causing it. You say from the "hybrid engine part"... Well do you mean the inverter (the shiny silver box on the driver side) or the actual engine (the thing on the passenger side). It seemed to be coming from the inverter. If you have your headlights on, and the car on, then power off and open the driver door, do your headlights turn off as well or remain on? The headlights turned off. You can see the driver's side headlight in the video. Is there a series of beeps as you close the door after exiting? No beeping. Can you lock the vehicle once it is off, or do you get a long continuous beep? I did not try locking it because I don't lock my car when it is in the garage. I can try if it does this again. If it does the noise again I will try to get video with better sound as well as try to do what 2k1Toaster suggested and listen more carefully to exactly where it was coming from. Thanks for helping me. Crystal
Woah... I think you're mixing things up here. Per, there are FOUR water pumps on North American 2nd gen Priuses. "Pump filling the thermos bottle" is the CHS (coolant heat storage) pump. There is a TSB on this if it becomes noisy. See You will definitely hear this sound right after shutdown and also on power up. Mine starting squealing a bit on shutdown. It almost sounded like a bearing going bad and I had it replaced, under warranty. Under normal circumstances (noisy or normal sounding), I'd guess it runs for somewhere between 10-30 seconds and definitely not longer than 30 seconds in both the start up and shutdown cases. "Did you have the newer pump installed for the recall" - Which are you referring to? There is a "limited service campaign" on the inverter pump. See I got mine replaced recently for free. I can't speak to how much noise this makes but I suspect it's pretty quiet and should only be running when the car is on.
Yes I did get the recall thing mixed up, sorry! But you don't think its the pump filling the bottle? Hal
It could be, since it happens after power down, but it sure doesn't sound like that of a normal pump or a squealing one. But then again, it seems like something might be amiss w/the OP's car anyway. Again, back to my earlier post, one can easily tell if the ICE is running for sure if the pulleys and belt on the passenger side are turning.