Finally got to watch the 11/06 show a couple of hours ago. It was the live debate between "presidential candidates" Matt Santos (Jimmy Smits) and Arney Vinick (Alan Alda). NBC had Forrest Sawyer "moderate" the debate, and made it look like the real deal. Fun episode. While the two candidates were arguing over oil companies, Vinick (the Republican) talked about free markets coming up with energy solutions, instead of the government funding research. He then mentioned the Prius as the hottest selling auto in Hollywood, or something like that. I was surprised that no one else posted anything about the Prius mention. Am I the only West Wing fan around here? :huh:
Even though the words were coming out of Alan Alda’s mouth, he was playing a Republican . . . and since Liberals have done a good job at smearing Republicans as nothing but oil tycoons and liars, no Democrat would believe anyone who played a Republican on TV. Republicans on the other hand see Alan Alda’s lips moving, but automatically discount anything that comes out as liberal propaganda. Beliefs acquired from years of dogmatic political conditioning are hard to suspend . . . even for a top rated political drama TV show.
I saw the episode and had totally forgotten to post about it. I smiled when he said that. Good episode, by the way!
I wasn't looking at the TV screen the second it happened, but someone from the 50's or 60's was brought into the present on "Charmed" this week, and when he went outdoors a car in stealth mode passed him. He was shocked it didn't make any sound, and was told it was a hybrid. Did anyone catch that? Was it a Prius?
It was a Prius, indeed. A silver one. The guy freaked out because it was silent as it cruised past them and the girl told him it was because it was a hybrid, and was running on a battery-that's why it's so quiet.
:lol: :lol: I'd forgotten about that one! (Had both shows recorded.) The Prius in two different shows (maybe more?), airing at the same time on different networks. Cool! B)