Stock around here fell a bit but now seems to have plateaued. Two dealerships instead of about 8-9 are holding around 3 or so (goes up and down) and another steady at around 11.
My dealer had 12, 0 left and he tells me that no Toyotas are on his list to be delivered, also finding it hard to find some parts. Also running out of Rav 4's
My dealer does not have Prius in stock, but Pinehurst is not a big market. I'm sure Raleigh, Charlotte have lots of Prius. This is a temporary situation as Toyota works hard to get their supply chain and production house in order in response to Japan's recovery efforts.
to think, 4 months ago, dealers were tripping over each other to sell you one. how quickly things change.
In 4 quick months: 1. Rising fuel prices 2. Japan earthquake 3. Nuke power plant meltdown 4. Toyota supply chain disrupted 5. U.S/global consumers demanding Prius 6. No more Prius inventory 7. Prius value rises faster than gold prices (I wish)
Although I haven't taken a dealer inventory of Prii in my area, (southern Maine), I've noticed for the past two weeks (just after I bought mine), none of the Toyota dealers are advertising Prii in the newspaper. The sole exception is a GMC dealer who's been advertising he has 26 2009 Prii in stock, "starting at $19,400!" I suspect those might have been "fleet cars" that have come off their contracts.
Indeed. I was tinkering with the idea of getting a G3 as a personal car about 4 months ago. I had hard quotes for $19,999.99 for a G3-II in BWP. I decided to finish paying off my house instead of going into debt for another car, but I still track prices in case some low-octane type takes out one of my vehicles, and now the dealerships are aren't quite as eager to unload their G3s... FWIW...things change quickly. That door swings both ways. G3's will go on sale again. You just have to be patient, and wait for something else to happen. It always does.
Saturday, an area dealer (not where I bought mine, due to price gouging) had 11 parked on the front lot and one in the showroom. I didn't look at the back lot.
Yes, when I bought my prius in May 2010, got 1,000 rebate and price about invoice. I went for 1st oil change (did I mention got 2 year oil change snd tire rotation) and dealer said most of sales were bigger cars. Did not anticipate a run on more efficient cars until price got to 3.75 or more. It's over 4.00 here in my area now, and the Prius is pretty much out at most locations. Enjoy the ride....
If he is a price gouger, that's why he has 11 on his lot. Let's hope the dealer chokes on his pricing.
Hmmm....since Prii are in such demand now, wonder if that makes it a larger target for theives; if so, there go our insurance rate? (I just love looking at the bright side of things.
If you want a Prius, book a flight to wonderful Boston. Its great this time of year and there are well over 500 Prii in inventory. There are a number of 2011 Prii 2's listed on for <$23K.
As long as you don't leave the fob in the car! I remember reading on PC about that guy that got theirs stolen because they left the fob in in the car, fortunately the Safety Connect feature helped them find it.
We got plenty of them around here: Acton Toyota 26 Harr Toyota 25 (Worcester) Norm Wagner Toyota 6 (Lancaster) All New. What they are charging for them is probably another story.
On a side note - it is not possible to get a Lexus CT200h in Germany for the next 4-5 months. The stock they had allocated for Germany has been completely sold in the first 3 weeks after launch (if I remember correctly what the dealer told me when I went to fix an appointment for end of April for a test drive, he mentioned 10.000 pcs - it might have been 5000 - still selling out a Lexus in Germany is unheard of...). The Auris hybrid was completely sold out in mid-November 2010 (14.000 sold) and people have to wait for a new batch of 31.000 coming this year - no wonder I see none on the roads... (article here in German only).
Still a nice selection available in Harrisburg - 10 units between 2 dealers which is about the same as February when I bought mine.
Cruised the close dealer today and NO PRIUS on the lot - except one used one. Sure glad I bought mine when I did. (A few months ago)