I thought this "threat" had been debunked a few years ago, but this article was posted Apr13 in End-Use | Energy Central Hybrid cars pose new threat to emergency personnel » Local News » The Duncan Banner April 11, 2011 Hybrid cars pose new threat to emergency personnel Kevin Kerr The Duncan Banner The Duncan Banner Mon Apr 11, 2011, 12:00 PM CDT ..."In retrospect, they are a good choice for those who would like to safe a few bucks at the pump, but for emergency personnel, the electric, gasoline hybrid vehicles pose an entirely new threat that has recently come to light. Duncan Interim Fire Chief Dayton Burnside said hybrid vehicles pose a major threat of electrocuting emergency workers if a hybrid vehicle is involved in an accident."
Why? Chopping the car floor that has high tension cables? 1. Has it happened before? For sure, after 1+ million hybrids sold in USA, many had serious crashes. 2. First hybrid sold in 1999, only now "recent come to light"?
Gasoline is pretty dangerous too. Maybe we need a law to restrict cars to a max 12 gallon capacity so that the danger is minimized.
it has been addressed long time ago, system shuts off electricity immediately after an crash and no incidents ever reported
He needs training? I can recommend some training to provide just what he needs to get set straight: EMTs learn truths, myths about electric cars GRAHAM, Wash. -- With more electric cars on the road these days, emergency responders need to know how to deal with them at accident scenes. KING 5's Allen Schauffler went along with the Graham Fire Department to a training course. " ... the gas, diesel engines out here right now are a little more dangerous ..." This story talks more about hybrids than electrics.
Sounds like the Duncan Interim Fire Chief Dayton Burnside will probably not live long enough to become the fire chief I shouldn't mention the incredible danger posed by self-tightening seat belts, seat side impact airbags, head curtain airbags, the flammable engine coolant, flammable washer fluid, power steering fluid, brake fluid, etc
pfffftt. Save a few bucks at the pump? How about 'Prius cuts your gas bill nearly in half (uses half the gas) without much sacrifice at all' < That's the truth I've found. The only gas only car I found for 2011 with an average fuel economy over 30 is a SmartForTwo. Apparently turbo diesels get over 30.
As an emergency responder for 38 years and recent fire service retiree, I suggest that Chief Burnside has no business being a chief officer in the fire service. This statement identifies the fundamental issue: Shame on him and his department for only lightly touching on the topic! The vehicle manufacturers make their emergency information readily available and emergency training organizations long ago integrated the material into their curricula. After hybrids being on the road for more than a decade, there is no excuse for this level of ignorance and for a department not to have trained its people.
They are supposed to be trained professionals. They should keep up with current technologies that could effect their job.
The information Toyota provided YEARS ago, would make me wonder how "new' this 'threat' is. https://techinfo.toyota.com/techInfoPortal/staticcontent/en/techinfo/html/prelogin/docs/2ndprius.pdf http://www.toyota-tech.eu/HYBRID/HVDM/EN/PRIUS.pdf
My wife had a flat last week (only 5000 miles on the tires). She has a bad back, so she called road service to change the tire. While waiting, out local police pulled up to check on her. The officer told her he would have normally changed the tire for her, but he "won't touch one of them 'lectric cars'. Another officer came by in the meanwhile and to his credit, did try to help. Worst part of the story is that the road service that Toyota sent asked my wife if she could disconnect the electricity because these cars make him nervous. Of course, we live way out in the woods, Prii are pretty rare out here in the Land of a Million Pickup Trucks.
In NJ the police WILL NOT change anyones tire, but they WILL give you a beat down if you don't comply.
If this keeps ignorant public employees away from my car maybe I should put a "high voltage" sticker on the window.
I just sent off an email to: Reporter - Kevin Kerr [email protected] I politely said that clearly the chief is unbelievably uniformed. That the information his emergency team needs to know has been readily available from Toyota for many years. That it is a sad comment on the Duncan fire department that they havent received the info/training that would help them rescue their friends, neighbors and families, and of course complete strangers. I also mentioned that while he (the reporter) did not intentionally want to spread misinformation that could actually do harm, that was exactly what he did.
LOL not sure what's funnier, that or "won't touch one of them 'lectric cars'" OK, that got both of them. A beautiful Freudian slip.