Ay carumba! I have seen those for New Beetles. I guess Mencken was right when he said no one ever went broke underestimating the taste or intelligence of the American public. btw, have any of the hypermilers figured out how much those will impact mpg?
The owner seems to have good taste in cars, but lousy taste in accessories. Also note the lousy parking job.
Well that's a fancy way of deflecting flying rocks and bugs! Though to be more effective, you'd have to have a unibrow!
Ju tryin to make fun o me? It took me a long time to figure out what I was looking at. Mac, that better not be your buggy! No self-respecting Prius owner would install those. Say, how much are they?
You can check these out at carlashes.com. Don't ask how I know... Apparently, optional highlighter bling is also available if the eyelashes themselves aren't overboard enough for you.
Actually.....DADT is no longer applicable. We're supposed to treat our eyelash adorned brethren with the same "dignity and respect" that we confer to our stogier members. What you think in the deep dark chambers of your own thoughts is another matter.
I think you have to prove you drive a Hummer or some other monster of a vehicle in order to qualify for Truck Nutz.