I am still finishing off the install of my Kicker 4 channel amp and Kenwood Powered sub. All I need to do really is run the sub's control up front and strap down the RCA's and LOC wires. Somewhere in the process of installing the Navone LOC and Auto Trigger and two ground loop isolators, the beeps went away. I was driving along listening to the stereo (which sounds great) and switching the MFD controls for fade and what not. And that is when I noticed, no more beeps. I know what your going to say, but the front speakers are connected to the AMP, the fade control working proves that. So, either the LOC, ground loop isolator or my adjusting the front speakers to Hi only on the crossover eliminated the beeps. Is it possible that I adjusted the crossover higher than the frequency of the beeps? I'm sure I will find there is a problem and fix it and the beeps will be back. On the other hand, it sure is a nice sounding stereo and no beeps - for now.
The beeps are high enough in frequency that it seems to me impossible to remove them with a high pass; you would lose almost all the important lower frequencies and it would be very very tinny sounding. Do keep investigating... I'm sure many folks would be very interested if you found a way to mute the beeps!
It's raining today so I won't be working on it until tomorrow at the earliest. I have to figure out what to do about the RCA cables. I have 4 cables coming off the LOC, then two Y cables for the rear speakers and 4 channel AMP. It was a nice clean install until I decided to go with an LOC and RCA's
Several problems have cropped up. The front speakers both went dead during some around town driving. I turned off the crossover on the amp but still no beeps. While trouble shooting the front speakers went on and off a couple times. So I switched all 4 speakers to just the rear output of the LOC and the problem went away. I then switched all 4 speakers to the front outputs of the LOC and the speakers shut down twice. One of those times I tapped the LOC and it jumped back on. Here is the strange part, the beeps are back but only from the rear speakers I don't know how this could be possible. The fronts and the rears are being fed from the front outputs of the LOC via a Y cable and the sub is fed from the rear outputs. So all the speakers should be getting the beep. The only difference is that the rears and fronts are fed from the AMPs front and rear sections. Both LOC's are off. When the amps input are all hooked up normally, the fade works front to rear properly. So the outputs from the amp are correct. But, there is no beep when hooked up normally. Tomorrow I will switch the inputs to the amp from the LOC and see if the beeps move foreward. If they do, that is still really strange as all four are fed from the front speaker out of the HU via the LOC :wacko:
They sound great - easily as good as the component 60.7cs's up front. In fact they are either 70 or 75w but the 60.7cs are 90w and yet I must put more power to the fronts to compensate for the rears speakers dominating.
Non JBL outputs the beeps from the front speakers. Crossovers will probably send it to the tweeters, and the fullrange probably won't produce much of it.