What do you think of the US Secret Service configuring and ordering several stretch-armored Prius for Presidential service?
Got a link to the story or are you simply speculating? Honestly, I don't think it would be very good for any armoring or stretching with the weight limitations. Add a few hundred pounds of armor and you'd be restricted on passenger capacity. But, of course, the SS does lots of other stuff too so I'm sure they could make good use of the 'Stealth' capabilities!
I am speculating....and want to get reactions of others. Could be a two-engine--front and rear ICE's and electric motors--with enhanced battery capacity to handle the additional weight. Maybe such an example coming from the White House would show the Administration is serious about the energy crisis and stimulate a lot of Americans to think more about hybrids.
I see where you're coming from, but I don't see it happening. It would be a major project an would require a whole new set of ECUs and controls and frame. Now, maybe going with an RX400h (fairly presidential) or Highlander Hybrid. Those could handle the added weight, be speedy enough for their 'get aways', and still set an example.
Let me get this straight. This administration - which comes from and is totally entwined with the oil business is serious about lowering the price of gas? I must admit, the thought of that has never occured to me.
They'd never purchase a Prius because its foreign made. Do you remember the hubub in 2000 because Dick Cheney owned a Lexus? The federal government of the United States just can't purchase a japanese made vehicle for any purpose, ESPECIALLY carting the president. The reason Cadillacs are used is because of their image of a "Uniquely American Luxury Car"
Well, maybe it finally is time for a "uniquely world car" and what better place than to start with the President setting an example for a FAMILY-SIZE car? :angry:
I'm not arguing with you, but its just not going to happen. I do agree with them though, we can't have the President of the United States riding around in a Japanese car. It just sends a message that products built in the United States aren't good enough for him. The same thing would be true if they tried to use a Mercedes or Rolls Royce or something, it would be innapropriate.
How about a hybrid version of Air Force One? It could charge up while coming in for a landing. Pulse and glide would drop them 10,000 feet. 727’s would be on their tail with bright lights, trying to get them to land faster. Personally, I’d rather see a jeepney version of the prius. Double the length, make it seat 8, paint it in 10 different colors and dangle gaudy things from the roof.
Well, a presidential limousine that LOOKED like Prius would share very little with the actual Prius. The presidential limo they use now simply looks like a Cadillac DTS, its actually a specially designed full frame RWD tank on wheels, that just has a DTS front and rear clip. The DTS is a unibody FWD sedan, no way it could handle all of the weight of the presidential limo.
You expect this guy [Broken External Image]:http://docesbalancos.blogs.sapo.pt/arquivo/finger_bush.jpg to even get into a Prius? Haha!
The only thing this administration is worried about is keeping the oil flowing so they can line there pockets. :angry:
The Prius is probably the worst vehicle to convert to a stretch. Now, take Toyota's technology and apply it to a regular stretch limo - plenty of seats to put batteries under - and you might have something.
Why does it need to be a stretch Prius? The backseat is already huge! :lol: Personally I'd rather send him a copy of Quicken so he could balance the budget. Then he could buy that Prius in the black rather than charging it to us.