Yes, I do not like the NAV system in the Gen III, but it actually saved my life when I suffered a heart attack (At the time it did not feel like a heart attack) I live in Seattle and was working out of state in Livermore Ca. I remember how easy it was to put in hospitals and was able to follow the directions by voice and display. I still made wrong turns due to being a bit slow and ditzzy, but it still directed me to the emergency room. Looking back it was a stupid thing to drive, but it seemed the best thing to do at the time. Quadruple bypass and three weeks later I feel GREAT!!!!
WOW, you are a very lucky person. Someone was watching out for you on this one. Glad to hear everything is good now. You, and those on the roads with you, are very forutnate that you made it to the Emergency room. I remember a co-worker arguing with the nurse at work about driving himself to the hospital. He thought he felt well enough to drive. The nurse refused to let him leave First Aid except in an EMT vehicle. His heart stopped on the Emergency Room operating table and he had to be shocked to get it restarted
What happened was sad but You should thank Almighty God and say a little thankful prayer in your heart. Or you might have already. I think Toyota should do a commercial with this true story. Just to let people know why Toyota is the number 1 seller in the world. What do u think guys ?
I think a commercial could send the wrong message. It is much safer to call an ambulance than to drive yourself to the ER during a heart attack. That said, I'm very glad everything turned out well for Red.
I agree about having someone take you or call an ambulance-I was your macho-this will never happen to me-attitude, and it took them hours to see if I had heart problems. Also, I was working in another state, unfamiliar where everything was.
Biggest thing is that you are okay. I noticed that feature of the nav system and thought that it was well thought out and would be of great help if the right conditions arose. This happened in your case while in an unfamiliar area. Thanks for sharing your good news and experience. Roland.
Everyone loves to hate on the Navigation system, but I kind of like it for it's simplicity. Yeah, it's limited - but it's functional enough that it does it's job with a level of integration I haven't found in add-on, separate units.
I'm really glad you are still with us. Now it's time for everyone with a NAV system to go out to their Prii, and practice finding the nearest hospital. It would be a crime knowing about this and not remembering how to do it when needed most. BTW, does the search grey out if you are driving?
With the big screen, if the destination is in the database, i use it instead of my Garmin. The big screen plus clear directions are major pluses over my Garmin. I just can't spend $200 or so for a DVD every year...just too much! Glad that you're OK after the bypass. Remember, it takes at least 3-6 months for full, keep up your spirits!
I disagree. I've done it both ways. Around here getting a ride to a good hospital is impossible if you call 911 & the responders spend more time standing around doing nothing. The latest gimmick is to send an empty ambulance to the hospital & try billing insurance for the ride. Believe what you want but I have 4 heart attacks & 4 stents & I can get myself to the hospital faster than an ambulance.
Jim, even if I believed you (and I do), I don't think Toyota would be caught dead suggesting one drive themselves to the hospital while having a heart attack. No pun intended.
Thank you for all your concern about my heart attack. The screen did not grey out-it gave me voice commands and screen shot. I had played with all of the functions when I first got the car and discovered the emergency icons-so it is a good idea just to see how it all works. On that night, I can remember that it told me to turn left at the next intersection since I was not thinking correctly I took a right. I looked at the screen and was wondering why it was sending me in circular path and getting fustrated until I followed the directions and saw the emergency room.
Excellent idea. Even though all of us know where our hospitals are, I have never thought about being in a true emergency and not thinking clearly.