Relating to corn reserves in another thread... Government to offer gas stations incentives for installing E85 pumps — Autoblog Green From the press release:
Here in Ireland,the company that produced E85 [Maxol] has now ceased production due to the Gov't excise duty derogation finishing on 31/12/2010,without that subsidy the price per litre of E85 would have been considerably more that Unleaded,they went on to say in their leaflet that in the current economic climate that alternative fuels seems "unfashionable" with our Gov't
Hi zen, It wasn't made from crop,it was made from whey,a by-product from the cheese making industry,which is a fairly big industry in Ireland,the fuel company Maxol sourced it from the biggest supplier that are based in a place called Cork.
Is whey used for anything else besides to make ethanol? Btw, I had the pleasure of visiting Ireland and Co. Cork ten years ago (when times were still good). Loved it. Would like to go back to play some golf, for sure.
Not sure about other uses for whey,but Maxol still produce E5,which is in all unleaded supplied at their network of petrol stations nationwide. Yeah Cork is a lovely spot especially West Cork, I live about 30 miles north of Dublin,there's a lovely golf course called Baltray beside me,the Irish Open was held there a few years back.